
Well Known Member
Hey everyone,

Getting ready for a full G3X retrofit into my 7A and some avionics folks have suggestested I wait to see what happens at OshKosh before making a big order. Has anyone heard of hardware updates coming to the G3X? I think the G3X touch screens are pushing 10 years old.

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Garmin is usually pretty tight lipped about this kind of thing.

Anytime you are this close to Osh it is a good idea to wait.

The G3X is definitely due for an upgrade!
I'm in the process of doing my avionics now as well and had the same questions. I actually reached out to Garmin but was met with the "we don't know anything" answer. Option was to wait and see if something new comes out (likely at a higher price) or get started with something now. I picked the latter option.
Hey everyone,

Getting ready for a full G3X retrofit into my 7A and a conscientious sales associate at Stein Air recommend I wait to see what happens at OshKosh before making the huge order. Does anyone have any inside info or heard anything through the grapevine of hardware updates coming to the G3X system? I think the G3X touch screens are pushing 10 years old at this point.


One more data point - Over 30 years and a half dozen panels, I have a near perfect record of ordering avionics within 6 months of a new version / significant upgrade, and just ordered a full G3X suite a few weeks ago.
One more data point - Over 30 years and a half dozen panels, I have a near perfect record of ordering avionics within 6 months of a new version / significant upgrade, and just ordered a full G3X suite a few weeks ago.
Derek looks like you have made my decision for me lol.
I actually reached out to Garmin but was met with the "we don't know anything" answer.
I reached out to Garmin last week about updates to the G3X hardware and got the same answer - which I pretty much expected. Didn't hurt to ask :)
I always look at this like an engineer - does the current stuff do everything I have in my requirements? If the answer is yes, then why not buy it? Of course, if your requirements include “I have to have the absolute latest stuff to beat out the guy in the hanagr next door”, then of course you have to wait.

One thing I have learned in my many years in the Experiemntal community is that I want to have as much of the airplane on hand as soon as possible, sitting on shelves….just in case the worst thing happens and some small business goes under, or gets sold, or whatever might make my choices unavailable in the near term.

But that’s just my perspective, and I am sitting on a full G3X panel I bought in January for the Rocket that is a VERY long way from looking like a completed airplane….
I cant think of what would make the current G3X generation any better. maybe more processing power, better screen resolution, etc. But my g3X does everything I need it to do. And what it doesn't do, can be fixed in software.

An altimeter from the 1940's still works the same as one from the 1970"s.

In addition, if anything new comes out, then there will be delays in shipping the new hardware as the demand spikes. Also, waiting till after OSH to order also may cause delays. Your money, your choice.
Hey everyone,

Getting ready for a full G3X retrofit into my 7A and a conscientious sales associate at Stein Air recommend I wait to see what happens at OshKosh before making the huge order. Does anyone have any inside info or heard anything through the grapevine of hardware updates coming to the G3X system? I think the G3X touch screens are pushing 10 years old at this point.

8 years ago (has it really been that long), I was ordering my Garmin avionics for my RV14 and asked myself (and Garmin) the same questions with the same answers and uncertainty. I’ve been flying it for 7 years and this morning I did 3 instrument approaches with this amazing technology (G3X, GTN) and it’s still current stuff. YMMV
I always look at this like an engineer - does the current stuff do everything I have in my requirements? If the answer is yes, then why not buy it? Of course, if your requirements include “I have to have the absolute latest stuff to beat out the guy in the hanagr next door”, then of course you have to wait.

One thing I have learned in my many years in the Experiemntal community is that I want to have as much of the airplane on hand as soon as possible, sitting on shelves….just in case the worst thing happens and some small business goes under, or gets sold, or whatever might make my choices unavailable in the near term.

But that’s just my perspective, and I am sitting on a full G3X panel I bought in January for the Rocket that is a VERY long way from looking like a completed airplane….
Don't discount that "life happens". What you are certain is perfectly stable in one moment, can change mighty quick. Boy, if I had bought my full G3X when I thought I was ready for it (the first time) it would have hurt a lot.

I'm determined not to beat Matt in total build time. It will be close, but I WILL have fresh doughnuts. In the meantime, I have an IAC competition to practice for (takes away from shop time).
Hey everyone,

Getting ready for a full G3X retrofit into my 7A and a conscientious sales associate at Stein Air recommend I wait to see what happens at OshKosh before making the huge order. Does anyone have any inside info or heard anything through the grapevine of hardware updates coming to the G3X system? I think the G3X touch screens are pushing 10 years old at this point.

I just wanted to chime in here to make sure we didn't accidentally start a rumor. While I am sure that a G3X upgrade is imminent, much like the next IPhone, Garmin has told us that it will not be in 2024. They have pointed to the GDU370 trade in program running past July as evidence to point to.

I also want to mention that dealers don't get months of advance notice- we usually hear about products 1-3 days before the public.

All that being said I do believe it's always firm advice to wait on making any big purchases in the immediate weeks before Airventure as there are frequently new product announcements of some kind.
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I cant think of what would make the current G3X generation any better. maybe more processing power, better screen resolution, etc.
Along with higher screen resolution and faster CPU(s)- Maybe better screen contrast, smaller footprint in back, over the air update capability, thinner bezel (larger screen in same footprint), latest bluetooth, etc.
Not sure who you talked to, and probably should keep it private anyways, but I feel a responsibility to dissuade any rumors we may have accidentally created. While I am sure that a G3X upgrade is imminent, much like the next IPhone, Garmin has been very clear with us that it will not be in 2024. They have pointed to the GDU370 trade in program running past July as evidence to point to.

I also want to say that dealers don't get months of advance notice- we usually hear about products 1-3 days before the public.

All that being said I do believe it's always firm advice to wait on making any big purchases in the immediate weeks before Airventure as there are frequently new product announcements of some kind.
Just to note the sales person never said something was imminent with Garmin, they shared your sentiment of wise to wait this close. I got on the Garmin stuff myself.
They seem to be making pretty frequent updates to the software running on their existing G3X platform. My gut feeling is the hardware is capable of doing so much more than the current software does, so it has longevity. There's a VAF thread that has enough feature ideas to occupy their software developers for years, and they have in the past implemented ideas suggested here. I'd start worrying when software updates get fewer and far between.
I put what must have been one of the very first batch of G3X touch’s in my 7 as a panel refresh back in 2014.
At the time I had decided on two portrait non touch G3X system.
My chosen avionics vendor told me to chill for a few weeks… he was right.

Yes the current GDUs do the job. But so does an iPhone 6.
The current hardware feels like it’s at the l limit of its capabilities now. Map refreshes (blank squares etc) can take so long that you think there’s actually something wrong with it.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my GDUs but I’d love them more with whatever processor and screens are in a GTNXi - oh and 12” with thin bezels and an Incorporated navigator too please 👍.
One more data point - Over 30 years and a half dozen panels, I have a near perfect record of ordering avionics within 6 months of a new version / significant upgrade, and just ordered a full G3X suite a few weeks ago.
What is a full G3’s suite? Did I order only a partial suite?
ISTM that well over half of a given year’s new avionics products get announced at SNF. It makes sense. An announcement at SNF ensures that everyone has heard by OSH, which drives more booth traffic, which drives more sales. . . .

Even if they announced something at OSH, you probably couldn’t get the parts until next summer some time.
The one disappointing G3X system change was a Downgrade. They removed the GPS20A from their product line with no announcement I have seen. To use Garmin for ADSB compliance one must use a transponder that has an internal GPS or to install a panel mount GPS.

If Garmin announces something new at this point they will do it at AirVenture. Demand would be high for it. Could take awhile to get the latest and greatest. The G3X GDU's work really well. Possible they will change them, but if they do it would need to be a backwards compatible plug and play change. It is expensive to bring a new device to market. Demand is high for the existing GDU. They would only change it if they are having supply chain or manufacturing issues. It would be nice to see them update the internal GDU GPS to replace the functionality of the GPS20A. The internal GPS is different than their aviation products. This is why it uses a different antenna. Although GPS20A was not TSO'ed, it was tested to meet TSO standards. This is why they could use it for ADSB and they cannot use the internal GDU GPS for ADSB. The internal GPS does not meet GPS TSO performance standards.

Garmin introduced the GNC215 NAV/COM a couple months ago. It fits the same size format as an SL30. Small NAV/COM is awesome and works great for tight panel space. If the GNC215 is a clue, they may be thinking small components that they can easily TSO for the Certified market. I would love to see Garmin reduce the size of the panel mount GPS units or make them Remote mountable. A panel GPS is not really necessary now that everything can be done though a MFD. They definitely need to come up with a solution to replace the GPS20A.
The remote GTX45R transponder is now available with built in GPS.
Yea this change actually made sense. The separate products worked hand-in-glove together and mostly just connect to each other. To the point where when I was deciding where to mount them, I kept them together because it's mostly wires going between them. I could almost see replacing my two boxes with one to save weight.
I just wanted to chime in here to make sure we didn't accidentally start a rumor. While I am sure that a G3X upgrade is imminent, much like the next IPhone, Garmin has told us that it will not be in 2024. They have pointed to the GDU370 trade in program running past July as evidence to point to.

I also want to mention that dealers don't get months of advance notice- we usually hear about products 1-3 days before the public.

All that being said I do believe it's always firm advice to wait on making any big purchases in the immediate weeks before Airventure as there are frequently new product announcements of some kind.
Thinking back on this post, does this mean I can be confident there will be no G3X upgrade this year?