
Well Known Member
Just started install G3X touch into RV7. The display has a spot which would accept the GSU 25 on the back. However since the panel is tilted forward the orientation of the GSU25 would also be tilted. Is anyone aware if one can use this location successfully perhaps by adjusting for the tilt in the configuration set up? Thanks Gary
Just started install G3X touch into RV7. The display has a spot which would accept the GSU 25 on the back. However since the panel is tilted forward the orientation of the GSU25 would also be tilted. Is anyone aware if one can use this location successfully perhaps by adjusting for the tilt in the configuration set up? Thanks Gary

Hello Gary,

The forward tilt on the instrument panel is no problem at all. As specified on page 12-4 of the Rev. M G3X Installation Manual, the GSU25 may be tilted as much as 30 degs in that axis.

The larger concern is the stiffness of the instrument panel. While the GDU 4XX display has a mounting pad for the GSU25, using it may not result in an optimum installation location for the GSU25 in most aircraft since the instrument panel will have too much flex.

We generally recommend an extremely stiff off panel installation location as a first choice for the GSU25.

We generally recommend an extremely stiff off panel installation location as a first choice for the GSU25

Hi Steve,

So for the average RV where would you recommend? I'd imagine lots of people would probably look at the sub-panel. I'd suppose this is stiffer due to the deeper support ribs at the sub-panel depth - but materially stiffer than the panel itself?

Perhaps the support ribs themselves?

Save bolting it to the main spar carry through - I cant think of anywhere stiffer than the sub panel off the top of my head.

Curious as to where people are mounting them.

Sub panel area works well. I mounted two GSU25s on the sub panel near where a rib braces it. Been working fine for about a year. This is on an RV-6.

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My GSU 73 is mounted on rails between the panel and subpanel that span between two panel support ribs.

My second AHRS a GSU 25 is mounted on the aft side of the subpanel on the co-pilot's side. While it appears very rigid in mounting, it does not have the stability in pitch of the GSU 73 when compared side by side. One difference is that my backup battery is mounted on the fwd side of the subpanel opposite the GSU 25 and it is my theory that this mass is causing some issues for the GSU 25.

These units really need to be strapped down solid for best performance.
Thanks everyone for your info. I think I will look for a real solid spot for the GSU25 and not mount it on the back of the screen as I had been considering. Just got all the harnesses spread out on the ping pong table. Exciting to start the big "plug in " process in the next few days, Cheers GAry