
Well Known Member
I just bought an RV-3 with a 10" G3X touch installed. I tried locating the info I'm looking for in the Pilot's manual and the installation manual without any luck.

I am not getting any audible warnings for the EIS. During climb out I was getting CHT's in the 450 deg F range. I'm getting the visual warning but not the audible warning. I do get warnings for obstacles so the audible connection is working.

I also am unable to locate where to set/change EIS parameters (CHT/EGT's, fuel pressure, etc.).

The plane also has the Garmin servos but does not have the panel mount AP so everything is via the G3X. When I reached altitude I engaged the AP, NAV, and the ALT button. It held altitude and followed the flt plan. When I adjusted the Alt bug the AP didn't follow the bug. When I changed from NAV mode to HDG mode the AP did follow the heading bug but still did not follow the Alt bug.

I also noticed there is no default setting for decent/accent rate of climb, no min/max airspeed default setting. I was unable to find this info in both the Installation and the Operating Manual. I am using the Experimental manuals.

Since I don't have a GMC305 AP panel mount, am I able to install a Level Button instead of engaging it through the G3X? I assume there is a pin on one of the connectors that you ground out to engage the AP for level flight.

On the main EIS page that's showing on the rt side of the display, can I have the Fuel REM info displayed instead of having to go into the EIS page and then select the Fuel Calc tab? How I do my fuel management is by using the fuel remaining info. I would rather display Fuel REM info than fuel gauge qty since the gauges are so inaccurate. For this plane the total fuel is 28 gals. I'll start with the left tank and burn 28-20 gal, switch to the Rt tank and burn 20-10 gals. Left tank 10-6. So now I know exactly how much fuel I have in each tank at any point in time instead of using time to switch tanks. Time is inaccurate because taxiing uses little fuel and climb uses a lot of fuel.

I can’t answer all your questions, but I maybe be able to help with one.. when you are in ALT hold, and when you reset your altitude selector, you need to tell the AP how you want to get there. Press VS or IAS and then you can adjust how you want the plane to enter the vertical path.

If you are cruising in altitude hold and you just change your altimeter setting, the AP should follow that.
Do you have any pilots familiar with Garmin that can fly with you and demonstrate these features? It’s really easier to show you rather than explain on a forum sometimes
Config page

You will need to set most of those parameters in the configuration mode.

It is in the installation manual... power on the display and hold the menu button until it boots in configuration mode...
answers in line. Much of what you need is in the installation manual not the pilots guide.

I just bought an RV-3 with a 10" G3X touch installed. I tried locating the info I'm looking for in the Pilot's manual and the installation manual without any luck.

I am not getting any audible warnings for the EIS. During climb out I was getting CHT's in the 450 deg F range. I'm getting the visual warning but not the audible warning. I do get warnings for obstacles so the audible connection is working.

Pretty sure that is normal This may be adjustable in config mode, but not sure. If your caution or alarm light is not illuminating in these cases, that CAN be changed. Just select the option that has + ALARM

I also am unable to locate where to set/change EIS parameters (CHT/EGT's, fuel pressure, etc.).

Config Mode

The plane also has the Garmin servos but does not have the panel mount AP so everything is via the G3X. When I reached altitude I engaged the AP, NAV, and the ALT button. It held altitude and followed the flt plan. When I adjusted the Alt bug the AP didn't follow the bug. When I changed from NAV mode to HDG mode the AP did follow the heading bug but still did not follow the Alt bug.

several settings affect how the AP does this type of thing. Discussed in the Installation manual. With some settings, you must select a Vertical Speed after selecting a new altitude before it executes. Other settings will start the change after a new altitude is selected using the default VS, also set in config mode.

I also noticed there is no default setting for decent/accent rate of climb, no min/max airspeed default setting. I was unable to find this info in both the Installation and the Operating Manual. I am using the Experimental manuals.

All of this is in Config Mode. It is in the installation manual; you just need to look harder.

Since I don't have a GMC305 AP panel mount, am I able to install a Level Button instead of engaging it through the G3X? I assume there is a pin on one of the connectors that you ground out to engage the AP for level flight.

On the main EIS page that's showing on the rt side of the display, can I have the Fuel REM info displayed instead of having to go into the EIS page and then select the Fuel Calc tab? How I do my fuel management is by using the fuel remaining info. I would rather display Fuel REM info than fuel gauge qty since the gauges are so inaccurate. For this plane the total fuel is 28 gals. I'll start with the left tank and burn 28-20 gal, switch to the Rt tank and burn 20-10 gals. Left tank 10-6. So now I know exactly how much fuel I have in each tank at any point in time instead of using time to switch tanks. Time is inaccurate because taxiing uses little fuel and climb uses a lot of fuel.

Also config mode. Go to Data Fields and change one of them to fuel remaininng.

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After years of reading the g3X manual (it has regular updates) it is hard to find the details, but 95% is there for the non-touch.

You might give the G3Xpert hot line a call tomorrow, Justin or Steve can tell you all you need to know. 99.5%

Some functions apparently only come with the GMC panels, even though it has no "brains". For instance, the TOGA button can be configured and installed but won't work without the GMA. If there is simply a pin to attach, several discussions with Garmin (and other experts) has not revealed that fact or given a complete explanation of why.

I found that learning the other functions becomes a flight experience. Example: flying at 6000 and given 8000. touch ALT, twist knob to 8000 then toggle up one time to 500 FPM climb. The CWS is another tricky thing. Learn to read the enunciators, and what is really happening then one is white, or green. etc. Garmin has a new language that must be learned to get the manual easily.
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For instance, the TOGA button can be configured and installed but won't work without the GMA.

I think you meant GMC here, and that's also not entirely correct.

I have a Dual G3X Touch with the older GMC 307 AP controller head. The TOGA is wired to a GP input on GEA24 & GTN 650Xi (DPST switch).
EIS Audible alerts

I really find it hard to believe that Garmin doesn't have EIS audible alerts. My RV-6A had an AFS5600 efis and it would alert you to whatever parameter was out of norm by name, "Low fuel press", "High EGT", etc.

To look down and see something flashing on the screen and wondering how long it's been there defeats the half the purpose of having an advanced efis.

Can someone verify if Garmin can or can't provide EIS audible alerts and if they do or do not name the alert(s) audibly?
EIS Alert Level

I really find it hard to believe that Garmin doesn't have EIS audible alerts. My RV-6A had an AFS5600 efis and it would alert you to whatever parameter was out of norm by name, "Low fuel press", "High EGT", etc.

To look down and see something flashing on the screen and wondering how long it's been there defeats the half the purpose of having an advanced efis.

Can someone verify if Garmin can or can't provide EIS audible alerts and if they do or do not name the alert(s) audibly?

Power your display on in configuration mode. Touch Engine & Airframe. Select Cylinder Head Temperature. The Gauge Markings are entered on the bottom right hand corner of the screen. If you select RED + ALERT, you will get an audible tone when that threshold is crossed. This is covered on page 35-161 of the installation manual.



After years of reading the g3X manual (it has regular updates) it is hard to find the details, but 95% is there for the non-touch.

You might give the G3Xpert hot line a call tomorrow, Justin or Steve can tell you all you need to know. 99.5%

Some functions apparently only come with the GMC panels, even though it has no "brains". For instance, the TOGA button can be configured and installed but won't work without the GMA. If there is simply a pin to attach, several discussions with Garmin (and other experts) has not revealed that fact or given a complete explanation of why.

I found that learning the other functions becomes a flight experience. Example: flying at 6000 and given 8000. touch ALT, twist knob to 8000 then toggle up one time to 500 FPM climb. The CWS is another tricky thing. Learn to read the enunciators, and what is really happening then one is white, or green. etc. Garmin has a new language that must be learned to get the manual easily.

You can connect a dedicated TO/GA switch to any discrete input on a GEA 24, GSU 73, or GAD 27. Configure the input to AFCS TOGA, Active Low. See page 30-5 and 35-186. No GMC mode controller is required for this to work.

Chapter 35 is dedicated to the configuration of the G3X Touch, there is no information about the non-touch system, to avoid confusion.

