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G3X GDU 375 map display problem

So my GDU 375 MFD has developed a serious issue— 9 times out if 10 it’s not displaying the map. I get a little note that it’s “drawing” but nothing happens. Going to another page and going back or changing the range has no effect. Neither does cycling the power or reloading the databases. The only thing i haven’t tried is reloading the system software (v12). Any suggestions?
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Todd, I had the same thing happen with my GDU375 this summer. I tried all kinds of fixes, but no joy. I just happened to pull the SD card while in flight and the map miraculously loaded. I plugged the SD card into my computer when I got home and the computer couldn't recognize it, so apparently the SD card had inexplicably become corrupted. I have not had any problems since. Nothing to lose by giving it a try.
J Crate
I recommend folks only keep a BLANK SD card in the slot, do not keep a card with database updates or other software on it or it may cause problems.