
Well Known Member
I posted this in the facebook group a couple weeks ago. Some good suggestions there, but this time I am sure I have not done any reset since the last time I filled up and set the total to 36.

This time after a fill up the Fuel Remaining was 15.8 and the fuel used showed 4.9 gal. The fuel receipt showed 19 gallons were added which when added to the remaining is right where it should be.

So why do I keep getting Fuel used that is not even close to the fuel added at the pump? I used more than 4.9 gallons on the flight before I landed and filled up. There were two previous flights before this.

The G3Expert is best equipped to answer this.

Meanwhile, is your fuel rate near correct? GPH? It must be reading extremely low. Like 50 miles/gal.

Where in eastern Iowa are you? I just hopped to DVN and BRL today for IFR practice.
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It sounds like your K Factor is incorrect for the fuel flow meter you are using. Are you using a Red Cube?

Page 809 of the Garmin G3X installation manual (Rev AK) has the formula to make the changes.

I can check the k-factor next time, but if it knows exactly how much is remaining, why doesn't it know how much I used? Seems a bit odd to me.

Bill, I'm based out of KCID.
Could it be that you have it set to automatically reset fuel used every time the power is cycled?

From the IM

"Fuel Used Reset - This setting is used to select what resets the fuel calculator “Fuel Used” value to zero. If
the Manual setting is used, the Fuel Used value is reset manually by the pilot via the Engine page (see
following figure). If the Auto setting is used, the Fuel Used value is reset automatically at the start of a
new flight (one time only per power cycle of the display). The fuel-used value can still be reset or changed
manually by the pilot via the Engine page (if the Auto setting is used)."
thanks Bill. I checked and it was set to Auto. Took me awhile to find where, but it was in the FT-60 setup page.