
Well Known Member
What can I do with the log files from my G3X? I'm sure there is a way to display them in Google Earth or something similar? Thanks!
GPS Data, Engine Data, Flight Data, etc

Well, you can upload your engine data so Savvy Analysis and analyze it here.

You can use this tool to convert the files to .kml format and plot them in Google Earth.

You can convert the .csv files to Microsoft Excel format (or Google Docs) and do your own analysis (pitot-static calibration, TAS conversions, ROC and ROD, etc).

I forgot one of the most fun ones. You can use video from a flight (Garmin VIRB, GoPro, whatever) and tie the data from the G3X and creat some cool videos with data overlays using DashWare.
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Cirrus Reports also supports a single click upload to display your flight in Google Earth.


+1 for cirrus reports. Easy, intuitive log. Easy transition to google earth and even a link for "cockpit view" if you absolutely must relive a lousy maneuver.
Has anyone had trouble uploading to Cirrus Reports lately?

I have been using the website for a couple of years and a few months ago it quit working for me, because I am no longer able to upload new data files.

My previously uploaded files are still there, and working. But when I attempt to upload new files, the file upload routine stops at 99%, and the file does not appear on my list of flights.

I emailed marcus adolfson from the site, and he initially responded that he had similar reports. Subsequent emails went unanswered and I have not been able to upload any more data files.

Not sure i the problem is with or with my files.

Thanks for any suggestions on getting it working.
Has anyone had trouble uploading to Cirrus Reports lately?

I only started using it in November, not one issue thus far. Just used it two days ago. No issued with trends, or transitions to either mode in google earth. I'm using a Macbook Pro with whatever they are calling there newest OS.
I only started using it in November, not one issue thus far. Just used it two days ago. No issued with trends, or transitions to either mode in google earth. I'm using a Macbook Pro with whatever they are calling there newest OS.

That's interesting. I was using an old macbook, just got a new macbook, and still having the problem. Must be doing something wrong.

Do you get a "100%" notification when the upload is finished? mine stops at 99.9%. I am using Safari and OSX 10.10.5 and a typical filename is "log_20151212_220022_kvcb.csv"

Any ideas?
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That's interesting. I was using an old macbook, just got a new macbook, and still having the problem. Must be doing something wrong.

Do you get a "100%" notification when the upload is finished? mine stops at 99.9%. I am using Safari and OSX 10.10.5 and a typical filename is "log_20151212_220022_kvcb.csv"

Any ideas?

My MacBook Pro is from 2011....sooo not new.

I usually upload 5-10 log files at a time, it blazes through each one without issue. It indicated they were uploaded at its completion. I too use safari, with out any special bells and whistles, with whatever OS the computer tells me I need to update to.
Mine does this as well. Uploads only one file and sits at %99.9. Did anyone get a fix for this?


Has anyone had trouble uploading to Cirrus Reports lately?

I have been using the website for a couple of years and a few months ago it quit working for me, because I am no longer able to upload new data files.

My previously uploaded files are still there, and working. But when I attempt to upload new files, the file upload routine stops at 99%, and the file does not appear on my list of flights.

I emailed marcus adolfson from the site, and he initially responded that he had similar reports. Subsequent emails went unanswered and I have not been able to upload any more data files.

Not sure i the problem is with or with my files.

Thanks for any suggestions on getting it working.
I've had the same issue. A few files in there but locks up now when I try to add additional files. I have tried it on ie and chrome. I hope it gets working again.
You can convert the .csv files to Microsoft Excel format (or Google Docs) and do your own analysis (pitot-static calibration, TAS conversions, ROC and ROD, etc).

Not to hijack this thread, but can you please expand upon this pitot-static calibration? I am familiar with the method (flying triangles, squares, etc and averaging GS to get TAS and reverse 'ICE-T' to get CAS). I have the calibration numbers for my airplane. But what I don't know is how you can use that data. I even emailed the G3Xpert and was told that the G3X does not support airspeed calibration as the units 'are calibrated at the factory.'