
Well Known Member
I bought my panel from Stein back in 2014. I finally got my first flight on Monday. I am amazed by the things that can be done and the info provided. I can't believe how well the AP works and how easy things are to do a trip plan.

I also have to thank the guys at Garmin for answering all my questions over the past years and help given. And the updates - they keep adding features I never even thought could be available.

The same for Stein. After 7 years, Stein is still answering questions and helping when needed.

My friend Chuck B is flying with me from Idaho to Michigan this weekend and I cant wait to load my flight plan from my ipad to the system and go!

I have flown many hours in a DA-40 with G1000 and am very impressed with the G3X capabilities. I believe the G3X is more user friendly and can do even more than the G1000 (not sure if this is true but it is my impression after just 15 hours using G3X).
Congrats on your flight from Idaho to Michigan this weekend.


Thanks! I got into Mason this afternoon. REALLY bumpy flying over the rockys all the way to almost North Platt. Then great this morning until Kalamazoo and then it got crappy again but acceptable and we were able to pick our way in.

Come on down to Mason and check it out! I will be finishing up my training there to FINALLY get my ticket.