
Well Known Member
G3X Dual screen, non touch, GSU73 and GMU44

I just installed an overhauled GSU73 after my original one failed right out of the box. The overhauled GSU73 calibrated normally. The magnetometer calibration then failed four times.

Upon failing, this message was displayed each time on the pfd screen……..

“Magnetic Field does not match database”

My system software and databases are all current.

When I spoke to Garmin on the phone today, they said they received another
call today for the exact same issue. They had no idea what to do.

Any Ideas?

Just a thought.....are you near a metal hangar while calibrating? If so, try moving away from metal hangars.
MAG issue

If Garmin said they recieved another call on this then I would recommend going to a previous software version first! The latest version will not be tested for every installation. I've been down that road! Good luck.
I'm surprised the person on the phone would say this, since this is not an uncommon issue. Assuming your IGRF database (the magnetic field model) is up to date, I would not expect this to be a software problem. Instead I would look for nearby devices that are producing a magnetic field, and metallic objects in the vicinity that may have become magnetized. You can look for these with a handheld compass.
Relocated aircraft to a remote location on airport and magnetometer calibration was successful.
