
Well Known Member
I have a some questions on interfacing between a G3X and an ELT 1000. At this point I'm not planning on having an IFR Navigator in my panel. So... From that basis I started thinking about the interface to an ELT 1000.

1. I assume that an RS-232 output from the G3X can be configured to output the GPS data and that this output could be connected to the ELT 1000 GPS input. Is this a reasonable approach?

2. I assume that this type of ELT which just has a GPS interface and not an internal interface uses that last received position as the position that is transmitted. I haven't found any description in the ELT information that I have read that describes exactly how this works. I assume that you wouldn't need the position source to be operating while the ELT is transmitting. That wouldn't seem to be a reasonable requirement. Can someone enlighten me?

As always thanks for the help.

I cannot help with #1. You’ll need to see what protocol(s) the ELT can read, and if the G3x will output one of them.
#2 You are correct, the ELT will remember the last gps position it received.

PS. Just a comment on your comment. If your future includes an instrument rating, the approaches into LVK recently changed. Now, you need either an approach capable GPS, or an ILS receiver AND a DME. (Just for your future planning).
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Make sure the G3X will output what your ELT can read. I just got bit by this and have to pull my ELT to mail off for reprogramming so it can speak NMEA.