Lancair Super ES

Well Known Member
Hello all.

Anyone else having trouble downloading the current data for the G3X... Cycle 2009 that came out Thursday?

Mine seems to download OK, then consistently crashes when "updating" the DBs on the card. It crashes almost immediately after the update starts.

Over the last 2 days, I have uninstalled and re-installed the FlyGarmin app on my notebook. I have reformatted the 8GB SD card. Rebooted many times.

I never had problems with this process, and the rest of my apps/programs seem to be working fine.

The GNS 530W update worked fine.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

Same here.

Had trouble yesterday, tried various SD cards and same result. I assumed it was fixed today, but apparently not.

Guess Garmin is still recovering from the ransomeware attack.
I had no problem yesterday. I do mine and a friends plane at the same time on my computer (different accounts). Have not uploaded to the planes yet though.
I also had no problem yesterday except that it seemed to take slightly longer than normal on both card for the G3X and for the GNX375.
I repeatedly had the same issue. Send messages to Garmin, finally was told to empty cache files out of the download manager. Data downloads worked fine after that.
I empty every time I download data.

Hope this helps.

No problems here...

I updated all the databases in both my G3X Touch system and my Aera 660 today.

No problems at all.

Manual download

Still working on this issue, but here is an update.

One of the Lancair Talk guys suggested using the "manual download" method. Didn't know there was one! Listed at bottom of FlyGarmin update page. That seems to be working, but it is tedious. Have not tried loading the SD card to the G3X yet, however.

Breezy.... can you provide more detail on the "clean out download cache"? Are you talking about the Windows download folder, or a folder with the Garmin stuff?

Thanks to all for the input.

The windows app uses the browser to download the files, so I'm guessing that he means the browser cache. I don't see anything in the app to tweak. As an additional datapoint, I had no problem updating this cycle.

I did notice that the terrain expired 11 days ago but there's no update. In Flagstaff, we got this big mountain in our backyard, I sure hope it hasn't moved... ;)
RESOLVED G3X download issue

Hello all. Thanks to all here and on LancairTalk for input. Just to close the loop on this...

I have been successfully using FlyGarmin to update the DBs in my dual G3X set up for several years. While attempting to update the latest cycle (2009), I have experienced numerous crashes. The downloads seem to occur, then crash when starting the update. Subsequent attempts yield the same results, although the crash happens immediately (seems like it goes right to the update phase).

I have tried the following:

Uninstalled and reinstalled FlyGarmin app

Reformatted SD card – San Disk 8GB

Tried FlyGarmin in Chrome, Edge and even IE browsers. All same behavior

Cleaned out download folder and Chrome browser caches

Rebooted many times during this process

Tried to update on another notebook that has never previously run any Garmin app. Same crash behavior.

Acquired a new SanDisk card. 16GB HC, formatted it and tried. Still crashes.

An e-mail yesterday to Justin at G3xpert yielded a resolution with a few hours. He had to go into my account (and needed my permission to do so) and "fix" something. It apparently relates to the recent "system outage" they had. I was able to download and update to the SD card normally from FlyGarmin. I still need to install the updates in the G3Xs... hope I didn't just jinx myself!

Garmin download issues

Just ran across this thread. Had problems with the 8/13 update as well, but slightly different. My update appeared to go well, but when I started the plane up the next time for a flight, the G3X came up with a message "verifying terrain data base", and stayed in that mode for about 2 minutes, which I've never seen before, and my G5 would not power up for love or money. Breaker power cycles, power button pushes, nothing. Figured it had somehow died. It finally came up when on the ground I pulled its breaker and held the power on button for about 20 seconds. Hasn't recurred since. Very strange, and the Garmin folks insisted the G5 issue could not have had anything to do with the data update....