Andrew Anunson

Well Known Member
To those of you that have a G3X touch and a panel mount COMM (with remote capability), do you typically use the touch screen (GDU) or the COMM controls for radio functions?

I guess its worth the extra cost to get a panel mount COMM instead of a remote like the GTR20 (if there is room for it on the IP).

I have a GTR200 & GTN650. I initially planned for a GTR20 but found a good deal on a used 200. I'm rather glad I did as I don't think I have ever used the touch screen to change frequencies and always use the knobs. Old habits I guess :)
I have a GTN650 and a GTR.
I will occasionally use the GTN if I know the frequency, but it is really easy to use the touchscreen G3X to find frequencies and then just import them to the COMM. I use the touchscreen 90%+ of the time.
Reading Tshort's reply reminded me that I should clarify.

I use the knobs when I know the frequency, which is a lot of the time around this neck of the woods. But I agree that finding the freq for an airport is way too easy on the touch screen and that is how it gets sent to the radio 50% of the time for me. I'm definitely not looking them up and then using the knobs, if i have to look them up they get sent to the radio via the screen :)
I have a GTR20 and GTN650. I use the G3X touch screen GDU for all comm freq changes. I use it for freqs I know and manually "type in" and also for loading freqs from the airport information page. Save your cash for something else!

Its great to know that the G3X system works so well with both a panel mount and a remote com.

My final excuses to get a panel mount are they look good and the ability to change frequency if the GDU goes dark.

Its great to know that the G3X system works so well with both a panel mount and a remote com.

My final excuses to get a panel mount are they look good and the ability to change frequency if the GDU goes dark.


Hello Andrew,

I got a chuckle out of your "they look good" comment. I agree!

Personally, I like the GTR 200 over the GTR 20 for the reason you stated, but also because it has a dedicated volume knob. It isn't uncommon for me to want to change the radio volume at times, and while you can change COM volume through the GDU touch screen, you can't beat having that dedicated knob.

Similarly, I like the GMA 245 audio panel over the GMA 245R remote mount audio panel because it has 4 really convenient volume knobs and lots of great lights and handy buttons!

The panel mount units are really hard to beat for ease of use.

I have a mix of a bit older Garmin/Apollo and newer (GTN 650, SL30) with the G3X touch and I have to say I can't remember the last time I tuned a com or nav with either one. I'm either around my home field so not changing frequencies often, or going somewhere that I have to look up frequencies on the G3X and then just sending it to the either Com1 or Com2.
Also, as Steve mentioned, having a GMA 245 is nice too because you have the dedicated knobs and buttons. I've had my new panel for about 9 months now and just last Saturday was the first time I had to go in to the G3X touch Audio panel to turn on the music for my son... I couldn't figure out how to do that with the knobs. But the point here is there are so many things that you just intuitively do on the bigger screen when you get use to it. My GTN650 screen may stay new forever because I hardly ever touch it :)
I like having the knobs and physical device to change. However, for my new project everything is remote (txp, gtr 20, gma 245r). I wanted the cleanest install so the only things on the panel are the 650, G5, GMC507, and 2x 10” screens. All of my switches are on an overhead panel. The feature to push frees to the radio is awesome and it only takes 1 touch to push the stay freq to active. Suspect it won’t change my habit patterns much at all. Hope I don’t miss having the actual units but it’s too late to turn back now!