
Well Known Member
Situation: I have been getting some IFR training and doing some approaches at sundown. With the approach plate showing on the right (non-touch MFD) screen, it went blank and showed the spinning wheel of time for 4-5 seconds then went to night mode with white lines on black background. It has happened twice.

Installation manual has set up information for day, night and auto select mode.

Now, what time does it change,
why does it take so long,
if you have this system, how have you addressed this?


I'll be discussing with Mike Huff Monday, but just trying to see what others have done with this behavior.
Not a safety issue because . . .

Nobody does approaches at sunset, or nobody sets the day/night color setting to automatic?
Th G3X changes to the night color mode at sunset. This varies depending on your location and the date. You can configure one of the system info blocks to display the sunset time if you wish. I find this is helpful in determining night time and TO/LD.
Hey Bill,
I have had mine set to auto and have not had an issue.
That is not to say that the chart loading time is not a bother.
I would assume you are seeing the same delay as the normal chart loading.
This delay is the only reason I have considered an upgrade to Touch.
I have discussed the delay with Steve in the past and it seems like just a slower processor than the Touch.
Thanks for the Replies . . . and,

DanO and Mark, thanks for your posts, that helps. Using the time of sunset, I can know what to expect, and may just set it (from auto) ahead of time to avoid the time delay. I don't know how much time it takes to load initially, as I activate/load the approach, then switch back to map for tracking in the procedure turn, then to the plate as the turn to approach heading is near. The plate seems to have loaded in the background.