
Well Known Member
When recalibrating fuel tank I accidentally put in 16gal voltage twice when one should have been 15 gallons. (it was cold and I was wearing gloves when I did this). Due to dihedral the voltages for these two are the same so I deleted one but the gauge now reads incorrect (16 instead of 15) when near this level and full.

There's no easy way to re-log this calibration point as it's about 3/4 tank capacity. The voltage drop stops around 15 Gallons so I thought I could just be anywhere above that quantity and re-log the data point as 15 but when I went to do this the next day the voltage was quite different and gave me skewed result.

I saved the configuration to SD in hope I could manually modify on the computer and re-save to the G3X but not sure this is doable.

Anyone have a recommendation before I call Garmin?