
Well Known Member
My G3X is installed and being calibrated. It would be great if the Garmin checklist screen were not buried several clicks down in the menu structure. I?d like to have the option of making the checklist my default MFD or PFD startup screen. GARMIN - are you listening?
My G3X is installed and being calibrated. It would be great if the Garmin checklist screen were not buried several clicks down in the menu structure. I?d like to have the option of making the checklist my default MFD or PFD startup screen. GARMIN - are you listening?

There's a suggestions / requests thread in the Glass Cockpit section. I posted this already. Perhaps go quote and +1 my request?

I think I also emailed them on this.

I've asked that it become an optional page on the main screen. Enable the setting and then just twist the large dial to get to it. Also, would be nice if it didn't lose your spot in the checklist every time you left the screen.