FOZY flier

I'm New Here
Can anyone tell me how to get the chart to scroll whilst flying?
At the moment the chart remains stationary and the aeroplane symbol moves and eventually drops off the edge of the chart view.
The chart can be moved by hand to centre the aircraft but this is far from ideal.
Any advice gratefully received!!
I certainly don't have all the setting memorized but usually the map won't move automatically if you have something selected on the map. So, if you touch a way point or really anywhere on the map, you will get information about that "area". You can create a waypoint, go direct to or get other info depending on what you touch. However, when you do that the map stops being a "moving map" and stays on that point. To clear that you can re-center your plane and put the map back to moving map by touching the little airplane icon in the right upper corner of the screen (I think it's under the zoom -/+ icons). I believe you can also hit the Back button and will achieve the same thing.
I'm not sure that there is a setting that locks the screen. I'll leave that up to the Garmin Experts.

Good luck.
Hello FOZY,

Are the below screenshots similar to what you are seeing? When the chart is touched for waypoint selection, or touched to move the map, it will freeze the map, while the aircraft icon will continue to fly. To return the map to center and 'unfreeze', simply touch the aircraft icon near the top right of the screen, below the +/- selections to return everything to center.



Best Regards,

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Thanks Amir for your reply.

My moving map doesn't seem to scroll even if nothing has been selected and I don't have the small aircraft icon that you describe! This maybe that the system thinks that the map is already centred?

Hi g3xpert,

Thanks for your reply. I don't have the aircraft icon below the +- buttons that you show on yours, otherwise similar.

I could post a photo but can't find how!!

I'm on the charts page displaying the UK VFR chart and not map as yours shows. Does this make a difference?

Regards, Martin.
Hello again g3xpert,
Sorry I see your photo is on the chart page too so its not that which is my problem. Definitely no airplane icon tho!!
Hello FOZY,

Thank you for letting me know which page you are looking at! To diagnose this issue please contact the G3Xpert team directly at the phone or email below.

Thank you,

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