
Can someone confirm that there is not an automatic backlight intensity mode built into the G3X? IAW the pilot guide, it doesn't look like it to me.

Quote: "The Backlight Intensity (display brightness) can be set to 'Auto' or 'Manual'. 'Auto' sets the Backlight Intensity based on the aircraft's instrument lighting bus voltage. With 'Manual' selected, the pilot can manually adjust the desired backlight intensity (1-10). After each power cycle the Backlight Intensity is set to the default, which is configurable. Refer to the G3X Installation Manual for more information."

It looks like we have two options: Manual and about 15 button pushes, or connect a rheostat to pin 42 and select auto.

Also, buttons are lit, but the pilot does not seem to have any control over their brightness and I don't see any reference to this in the book.

Is this what other users see too?
G3X Backlight

I hardly ever fly at night, so I am just using the manual backlight control for the rare occasion I need to crank down the brightness on my G3X display, but I plan to install a backlight control some day.

As shown in the install manual, a simple 0 to 12V reference signal off a pot tied to pin 43 on the display connector provides dimming control for both the display and the keys. The lighting response curve is user adjustable, including the input voltage floor/ceiling that defines minimum/maximum brightness.



Even in aircraft which use G1000 systems with built-in display photocells, it is common for owners to prefer knob controlled backlighting over the built-in photocell control.
