G3X autopilot pitch servo issue... (RV-12iS, full Garmin)

I'm still in the testing phase for my new RV-12iS.

I have something strange happen when I engage the AP on ground (all Garmin).
The Roll works fine but the Pitch servo immediately goes full nose down.
Per the Garmin AP tuning instructions, the Pitch Servo should move nose down or nose up depending on the commands from the G3X or the GMC AP control interface.
I have checked and checked, all appears properly installed and configured.

When on flight, again, the roll works fine as it tracks the HDG etc. but the pitch goes nuts, have to overpower the stick and disable the AP immediately.

Any suggestions?
On Ground Autopilot Testing

G3X autopilot pitch servo issue... (RV-12iS, full Garmin)

I'm still in the testing phase for my new RV-12iS.

I have something strange happen when I engage the AP on ground (all Garmin).
The Roll works fine but the Pitch servo immediately goes full nose down.
Per the Garmin AP tuning instructions, the Pitch Servo should move nose down or nose up depending on the commands from the G3X or the GMC AP control interface.
I have checked and checked, all appears properly installed and configured.

When on flight, again, the roll works fine as it tracks the HDG etc. but the pitch goes nuts, have to overpower the stick and disable the AP immediately.

Any suggestions?

Good Morning Armando,

Please reach out to us directly at [email protected] to work through some of the on-ground testing for the autopilot. You do not want to engage the autopilot in the air if you are unable to verify any of the on ground testing first.

