
Well Known Member
Would anyone like to share there settings for the G3X AP in pitch and roll gain. also what hole do you have the rod end in on the pitch servo the nearest to the center, or middle or the 3rd hole from center. Thanks for your help.
Garmin Autopilot Gains for RV-6

Would anyone like to share there settings for the G3X AP in pitch and roll gain. also what hole do you have the rod end in on the pitch servo the nearest to the center, or middle or the 3rd hole from center. Thanks for your help.

Hello Jon,

If you have Garmin servos, the default gain settings will probably fly your RV-6 well. We have had other reports of this.

In case they have been changed, here are the settings that should work for a great first flight.


Pat posted his RV-6 pitch servo picture here and it looks like he used the outer hole on the arm. In general, use the most inner hole you can and still get the linkage to work out without the servo hitting the stops (or going over center!) before the aircraft controls.

The installation manual provides good guidance on fine tuning the autopilot gains if needed. Let us know if you have more questions.

We've been using the default gains on our RV-6, and haven't had a need to adjust them - all the way to Oshkosh and back, plus a bunch of short cross-countries and local flying.

Thanks guys! You are the best. I will try this out and let you know. I have the Garmin servo's. thanks for the quick response.