
Well Known Member
Out of all my audio alerts and announcements, the AOA beeps are the only ones not playing. I have my GDU display wired to my intercom through the GDU’s MONO AUDIO HI/LO pins. All the other audio alerts such as terrain and traffic seem to work. I can go into configuration mode Sound configuration, and hear/test the AOA sound. It plays beeps in Configuration mode but not in flight when the AOA activates. Anyone encounter and figure out how to fix?
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If you pull into a full stall, are you hearing anything? Depending on how to calibrate, you’ll get the audio to come on at different points in the AoA curve, but if you’ve done any reasonable calibration at all, you should get a tone at the stall.
If you pull into a full stall, are you hearing anything? Depending on how to calibrate, you’ll get the audio to come on at different points in the AoA curve, but if you’ve done any reasonable calibration at all, you should get a tone at the stall.

I'll do a full stall next time I'm up to confirm, but I'm pretty sure it does not sound in any configuration. I also have the Vans stall switch wired into the system as a discrete input. I will try disabling that and seeing if that affects the AOA sound output.

I calibrated all four points: Stall, caution alert, minimum visible, and approach target. Visually, the AOA seems to work fine: As I approach a stall, it goes from green to yellow to red properly. Just no beeping.
Assuming the audio alerts are enabled on the sound configuration page (which it sounds like they are) and the AOA test audio can be heard on the ground (which you report is the case) and the AOA calibration has been done (which it sounds like it has) then all other instances like this that I have seen have ended up being related to volume or squelch issues. From your website it looks like you are using a GTR 200B for your intercom and audio, so:

1. Refer to section in the GTR 200 install manual for guidance on how to test your AUX audio input squelch levels.

2. If the AOA audio is not breaking squelch on your GTR 200, you will need to either adjust the AUX audio input squelch level (section and/or increase the configured volume of your AOA alerts.

I have also found that when playing with audio squelch settings it's not unusual to see different results in-flight versus testing on the ground, probably to do with the increased noise floor that happens when the aircraft is airborne.
Looks like that was it, Matt. The volume of the AOA was at 50% and I guess was not breaking squelch. I turned it up to 100% and it sounds. I have to turn down the intercom's main volume now since it's very loud :)
Looks like that was it, Matt. The volume of the AOA was at 50% and I guess was not breaking squelch. I turned it up to 100% and it sounds. I have to turn down the intercom's main volume now since it's very loud :)

Since it was working fine (with the GTR 200B Aux Input) in G3X Touch configuration mode at 50%, you shouldn't need to increase it to 100% to make it work well in flight.

I would reduce the volume to something like 55% and try again. As you discovered, it isn't good to have any single alert audio sound significantly louder than the rest since they are all fed into a common alert input on the GTR 200B.

G3X AOA audio not working

Looks like that was it, Matt. The volume of the AOA was at 50% and I guess was not breaking squelch. I turned it up to 100% and it sounds. I have to turn down the intercom's main volume now since it's very loud :)

At what AOA indication does yours begin to beep? Mine seems to need to get all the way to actual stall (and it is calibrated to indicate stall pretty much right at the edge of stall). I would prefer it to alert earlier.
At what AOA indication does yours begin to beep? Mine seems to need to get all the way to actual stall (and it is calibrated to indicate stall pretty much right at the edge of stall). I would prefer it to alert earlier.

Mine only starts beeping a little more than 1/2 way up, some time after the yellow lines appear. At first I thought it wasn't working because I didn't hear the beep when the indicator was in the green.

I made a video of how mine behaved as I did a gradual approach to stall. Kind of hard to see the indicator itself but if you zoom in a little you can kind of see how full the indicator is when the beeping starts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLcMeFfmouo

This is unlike Paul Dye's video where he shows the beeping starting while the indicator is green: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKSivx7HT98&t=141s

If I had to guess, it's probably another configuration setting buried deep in the manual somewhere.

I start getting tones right (about) when the bars go green to yellow. I don’t remember a setting for this. I did calibrate flaps up which I think will give you a warning earlier in the stall which is what I wanted. I don’t think that impacts the start of the tone to stall warning. Seems to occur (initial tone) about 0.35 AOA indication on the SD card.
At what AOA indication does yours begin to beep? Mine seems to need to get all the way to actual stall (and it is calibrated to indicate stall pretty much right at the edge of stall). I would prefer it to alert earlier.

This is unlike Paul Dye's video where he shows the beeping starting while the indicator is green: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKSivx7HT98&t=141s

If I had to guess, it's probably another configuration setting buried deep in the manual somewhere.

The AOA function of a G3X system will never provide audio alerting when the displayed AOA is in the green range. I would assume the video linked above is for general illustration purposes only and not to be taken literally.

Section of the current G3X installation manual (revision AS) states this clearly:

This procedure sets the AOA value for the bottom of the yellow "chevron" section of the AOA gauge (Figure 29-11), which is also the AOA value at which the audible stall warning sound will begin to intermittently play. Perform this calibration while flying the aircraft at an AOA below the aircraft's stall AOA (1.1 x stall speed is suggested).

This calibration is entirely under the installer's control... if you don't like the results you can redo the calibration until it suits you.
Mine only starts beeping a little more than 1/2 way up, some time after the yellow lines appear.

Same as mine, pretty much beeps, with a delay, after all the yellow appears, beginning with the yellow chevrons, and into the stall threshold.

It was also Paul Dye's video that got me to wonder why I never heard my AOA beep per the video.

Per Matt: "This calibration is entirely under the installer's control... if you don't like the results you can redo the calibration until it suits you."

While true, i.e. get it to beep sooner, this makes the AOA not color aligned to the intended meaning/thresholds. Like Paul's video, I would like it to beep, slowly, perhaps just at final approach speed. So, I have put in a feature request with G3Xpert to make the beep threshold a configurable item, so the AOA colors can retain their intended meaning.
Folks, let me chime in here regarding the video. We were not trying to demonstrate the G3X per se - we were demonstrating AoA audio generically, and the display is actually simulated because we didn’t have a camera on the EFIS when we shot this. What we showed is more like our Dynon system behaves, with very slow tones when you are right on approach AoA. We actually have the Garmin calibrated sort of close to that, so that the tones start right at the boundary between green and yellow. The reason I like the slow tones when you are “on speed” is so that you know that you are at that desired AoA - if it is silent, then you donn’t know if you are on speed or doing Mach 0.80 - either one would be silent. If you calibrate it so that you don’t get any tones until you are slower than approach speed, then you are using it more like a warning system than an approach aid - which is OK if that is your choice…certainly a viable option.

As a member of the EAA AoA Safety Subcommittee, one of the things we have to deal with is the fact that there isn’t really a “standard” for AoA visual or audio representation. I have faith that we’ll end up with the popular systems converging to a similar-enough solution that we have a de facto standard…..

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Thanks, Paul and Matt. I wish I could change the title to “Learning the G3X system the hard way”. I obviously need to spend some quality time with the manuals.
...I wish I could change the title to “Learning the G3X system the hard way”...
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This only works for the thread itself. The thread title does not update on search results or in the list of threads.

I think you have to be a moderator to change the title and have it propagate fully.

True…but moderator magic has now been applied……