
Well Known Member
Good Morning RV8tors,

We are seriously considering G3X but looking for non USA based Traffic Option to integrate since we are based in South Africa (so no ground stations and no XM satellite or in cockpit Weather)

It looks like the GTX 23 ES (remote mode S transponder) only does TIS?
What are my options for South Africa, and actually any remote location or 3rd world country?

Thank you in advance,
Kind Regards
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Unless South African ATC radars support traffic data via TIS, that functionality in the GTX23ES won't do you any good.

Probably your best option is something like the Zaon units ( that do passive ranging and direction-finding on transponder replies from other aircraft.

Other than that, it's all up to the standard-issue Mark I eyeball!

Hope this helps,

Thanx Dave, i know of the Zoan XRX unit, but does it integrate with a G3X reliably? Their website says so, but when you look at the details they are thin and only handle the details on the Garmin hand held GPS.

Any one else want to chirp in please.
Set the G3X to "TIS-A IN" and the Zaon should work fine.

The Zaon XRX emulates TIS-A data output when set to "Garmin" mode. I used one with several different types of Garmin handhelds in the past and see no reason why the G3X would not work since it has the correct data type setting available.

Keep in mind that the Zaon XRX will only output 3 targets max.
G3X Traffic Options outside of U.S.

Hello Rudi,

Agree with what Brian said that the Zaon units emulate a TIS-A device and appear to work fine with G3X.

If you are really serious about seeing traffic, G3X also supports a GTS-800 active traffic system which actively interrogates transponder equipped aircraft.

Thanks Steve, but the GTS-800 will break my bank, so it is best left for commercial ops instead of experimental. :D
Hi Rudy,

do you have a lot of glider activity in your area. If that's the case something like the powerflarm might be the ticket. It incorporates the FLARM system for gliders (well established in Europe, I'm not sure about the status in South Africa), as well as interpreting transponder signals. According to the guys at the Garmin booth on this years Aero exhibition G3X can display the data.
There's an European and an US Version, maybe one of them could be used in South Africa.
