
Active Member
I have two G3X touch screens and a GTN650 along with Garmin autopilot and full Garmin panel. I'm all setup for a great IFR platform. The problem is that my G3X is in the experimental world and the GTN560 is in the certified world and the two do not sync and/or crosstalk. They each hold the flightplan and don't recognize inputs from the other. I have set the G3X to external GPS and all inputs need to be done from the small screen GTN650. This is VERY disappointing. Do you know of a way to get everything to crosstalk and edits/share/store flightplan data?
If I understand you correctly, you are correct.
You enter and/or edit the flight plan from the GTN and it fills in the G3X.
I have had no issues with that since 2013.
The Navigator is the GTN so it is the one feeding the info to the G3X.
If you are saying that the G3X does not get the flight plan from the GTN that would be wrong and you have a setup or wiring issue.
another way

I agree with Mark's reply. However, if you are a Foreflight user, you can use the G3X to send flight plans from an iPad to the GTN.

It took a bit of fiddling to do it the first time. I use blue tooth to send the flight plan to the G3X and once the G3X receives it, I get a notice on the GTN that I have a flight plan that is available to import. I don't remember what I had to do to get the G3X to do the "send" to the GTN (it works automatically now) - maybe someone else will pipe in and explain how to do that part of the setup.

Foreflight really makes it very easy to enter and modify IFR flight plans - especially ones that use oddball fixes. I presume Garmin Pilot will also do the same thing.

I have a legacy G3X and GTN 650 and the GTN feeds everything to the G3X just fine. Load the flight plan in the GTN and everything pops up on the PFD and MFD. I do think that it is a one way street though. Data entry into the G3X won't feed data back to the GTN.

Did you build the panel yourself? If not talk to the shop that built it. Garmin will also be helpful if you reach out to them.
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GTN G3XT communication

The Garmin GTN 6XX IFR GPS navigators are supported by the G3X system, including WAAS approach capability. This integration requires the use of a
GAD 29 ARINC 429 interface module.
GPS navigation data is provided to the G3X system via one RS-232 input and one ARINC 429 input for each IFR GPS navigator unit. The G3X system sends flight data and selected course information back to the external GPS navigator via an ARINC 429 output.
Check the RS232 and ARINC settings.
Good luck.
Tom is correct - you can go both ways. If you input a flight plan on the GTN, it will fill into the G3X. If you want to make CHANGES on the G3X, you have to switch to internal GPS mode, make your changes and then send it back to the GTN. This option I believe is accessed by hitting the menu button while on the flight plan page. It’s a few more button pushes than I’d like, but it does work. The trick is that on the G3X you have to switch to internal flight GPS (when you do this, it will copy what was there from the GTN).

Honestly - its probably easier to just modify stuff on the GTN
G3X Touch Flight Plan

There are a few things that affect the ability to integrate flight plans between the G3X Touch and the GTN.

First you will want to ensure your software is up to date. The latest flight plan transfer abilities are available with:
  • GTN Software 6.62+
  • G3X Software 8.30+

These two settings need to be selected on the GTN:

  • Configuration Mode> GTN Setup>Main System> External Flight Plan(Enabled)
  • Normal Mode>System>Setup>External FPL XFILL

With the G3X Touch set to Internal Flight plan, any changes made on the GDU will be copied to the GTN. With the G3X Touch set to External Flight Plan, updates can be sent to the GTN using Garmin Pilot. In either case, you have to load and activate the approach directly through the face of the navigator.

If you continue to have any issues getting this to work, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] and we can help work through the installation with you.


Yep .Dual directional with G3X / GTN / iPad / ForeFlight

It’s so nice ...

Flight planning using ForeFlight on iPad ..

iPad .. Easily loads FP into G3X via Bluetooth..

G3X auto uploads to GTN....

Any changes to FP on GTN .. downloads automatically to G3X..

And then..Your iPad running ForeFlight asks if you want to download the modified FP to the iPad .. I answer .. Yes !

Garmin software crew is fantastic ..,