
Well Known Member
I have sent my G330 transponder out for 1090 ES mod. When it gets back and installed together with the GDL 39 ADS-B "in" antenna I am wondering if there will be audible alerts for traffic with the G3X dual screen system??

Anybody using this combination have a PIREP?

Will the G3X require any software upgrades?

I just added the GDL39 and am getting audible alerts, but I'm not sure if its the TIS talking or the GDL39. I only have about 5 hours on it.

But, I talked to Garmin about upgrading my 330 with ES and the tech support told me to wait a little by because they were only on an "A" mod and were going to go to the "B" mod on the ES.

There was no timeline and I was thinking it would take months, not a couple weeks before the mod.

Are you getting the latest version?
Garmin 330 ES mod

I did not know there was an A and B mod.. Mine is in the mail to Garmin.. Hope I did not send it in too soon..Will check into that tomorrow
If you do it now, you will end up having to send it back in later (or possibly take it to an authorized Garmin repair station) to get the firmware updated to fully support the requirements of ADS-B out in 2020.

As far as I know, they have not released this firmware yet so you get ES but it is not fully compliant with the 2020 mandate.

It is more technical than that but that is the easy to understand version.

There is no reason to wait unless you don't like the thought of having to have it upgraded again later. Most likely that update will be free other than shipping and insurance. There have been reports that this update is coming soon however so if you are in no hurry, it may be smart to wait a bit.
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That's my concern. I was thinking about "choking down" the $1200 to get the ADSb OUT to wake up the stations. But! I really don't want to throw another $1200 for another firmware update!

If Garmin would give that firmware update for free I would do it for sure.
Upgrading GTX330 to GTX330ES

That's my concern. I was thinking about "choking down" the $1200 to get the ADSb OUT to wake up the stations. But! I really don't want to throw another $1200 for another firmware update!

If Garmin would give that firmware update for free I would do it for sure.

Smiling Jack and Dabney,

Brantel is correct. As explained in this posting, you can get an ES upgrade at any time (and see immediate benefits even with the present software), but we are really close to having the new transponder software certified that incorporates all the changes necessary to satisfy TSO-C166b and make it ADS-B Out 2020 compliant.

The software upgrade is free with the $1,200 ES upgrade, so you might want to hold off a bit before you send it in. I don't think there is any benefit to upgrading GTX330 software if you don't have the ES option.

Don't worry though if you want to send the transponder in now for the $1,200 ES upgrade and get the newer software installed later. You will only be charged a small fee for shipping/labor, and some dealers will also be able to install the software upgrade if that is more convenient than sending it in to Garmin.

Anyone wanting to be put on the "New GTX Software is Ready" notification list (for the GTX23ES and GTX330ES), just send G3Xpert an email and I will make sure you get added to that growing list.

GTX V7.02 Software is Available

The software has been released to allow experimental customers to update their GTX 330ES and GTX23ES transponders to be compliant with the TSO-C166b ADS-B out requirements.

Note that this only applies (for now) to experimental aircraft customers. The STC process to allow certified aircraft to install this software is yet to be completed.

As described above, Garmin or any Garmin Dealer (contact your dealer for availability) can perform the software update described in Service Bulletin 1240.

Those wanting to update a GTX330 transponder to have extended squitter will need to return those to Garmin. All GTX23ES transponders, of course, already have extended squitter, so the software update is all that is required.

Please contact us via phone or email if you have questions or wish to arrange for this service.
