chris mitchell

Well Known Member
RV8 G-GIGZ flew for the first time this morning from the ex-RAF airfield of Little Rissington, in the heart of England's Cotswold country side, 2 1/2 years after squeezing the first rivet.

With a persistent leak in the pitot system finally cured and checked, current RV-8 and airbus pilot Andy Hill took off at 9.20 and flew for 19 minutes, before a very smooth looking landing. Thanks Andy!

We have bit of work to do setting the mixture (too rich) and getting the prop set up properly. The other issue was roll at 160 kts - below that speed it flew straight and level. Need to think about that a bit.

What a relief! Now, how do I tell my wife I want to build an RV-3??

Some pictures will follow later.

Thanks to the various folk who have helped in person or via these pages.

Chris :D:D:D
Congratulations Chris! The first flight is behind you and now it's time to explore your new airplane. Have fun and be safe!

Also, sent you a PM
One hundred hours later....

I thought it might be helpful to others just about to fly or within the first few 10s of hours to report how the first 100 hours have been. Of course, here in England we don't have the same extended period of test flying, which reflects the stricter regimen we build under. There are a total of 16 inspections during the build and its not a mere paper exercise. I am sure that at least part of my lack of major problems was the careful attention of my inspectors. Not sure I'd have had such a trouble-free time without them.

There was a slow uncommanded roll to the left on the first flight and worked to correct this problem. THere seemed to be no problems with rigging of the aircraft and se we started squeezing the light aileron. Very easy to overdo! THe control forces are so light that it isn't really a problem except if you want to fly hands off for a few seconds - eg to fold a map. Currently I estimate that the fuel imbalance to correct the roll is 15 litres (just under 4 gallons) less in the left tank. I left the problem alone for a while but will now try (again) to reduce it - but will work a bit slower this time and maybe not be so critical of a minor degree of imbalance.

Quite early on I had problems with the alternator field circuit breaker popping at seemingly random moments and for no obvious reason - could always reset it. Rewired the field circuit, replaced the breaker to no avail. Eventually, I suppose not surprisingly, the alternator died - no output. Unfortunately I was in northern France at the time. Alternator replaced (unfortunately out of warranty). All now seems good after another 10 hours or so of flying, except some whine through the intercom.

Having just replaced the alternator, it was disappointing that on the very first subsequent engine start, the front bearing of the starter broke off, fortunately no damage to the starter ring. Impressed by SkyTecs rapid and helpful response. Starter refitted, having been rebuilt.

THe Vans supplied inner tubes leaked from day 1 and were replaced with Michelin Airstop tubes which seem to be leak-free.

Everything else has been fine except for a slightly higher CHT on number 1 cylinder which I need to examine more closely. I have been delighted by the performance of the plane and the lack of maintenance issues.

So there you go. A very satisfied and happy builder and now flyer.
