
Well Known Member
So I upgraded my panel to ADSB using the GDL-88 for out and in. Is it possible to switch back and forth between ADSB and Serius XM weather?


Yep! The G900X system can be switched between FIS-B weather from the GDL 88 and the SXM weather from the GDL 69. There is a selection on the dedicated weather page in the menu to select between the two weather sources. Note, this menu selection is only available when both the GDL 88 and GDL 69 are configured in the system. The weather on the MAP page follows the selection on the dedicated weather page.

We are currently on -19 software and have verified this functionality with that software.

Thanks Levi, I'll check it out. I have 718.19 software and I connected my GDL88 into the GDL 69 as shown in the installation manual (Hotel version).



Yep! The G900X system can be switched between FIS-B weather from the GDL 88 and the SXM weather from the GDL 69. There is a selection on the dedicated weather page in the menu to select between the two weather sources. Note, this menu selection is only available when both the GDL 88 and GDL 69 are configured in the system. The weather on the MAP page follows the selection on the dedicated weather page.

We are currently on -19 software and have verified this functionality with that software.
