
Well Known Member
I realize Van's has been swamped and has had trouble keeping up with the baffle & exhaust kits that come with the FWK kit. However, I just received my 2nd shipment (which I thought would be the remainder of B/O items) and I am seriously confused. After a thorough inventory of the second kit, I have ~20 miscellaneous parts (with labels) that are not on my inventory list. In addition to that, I have a handful of exhaust parts (various pipes) that have no marking or labeling. With the exhaust, I'm sure I can figure out it by process of elimination, but at this point I'm concerned if they are in fact the right parts.

Has anyone else experienced something similar recently?
Yup - Van's is definitely swamped right now with many of us building more during COVID, but I experienced a good process with my backorders. Like yours, they shipped some of my items separately (FWF and finish kits), which I thought of as a benefit as I could work on what they sent rather than waiting for one big b/o shipment. Once I ran out of things to do, I would go back to working on all those fiberglass pieces I put off for just such an occasion, and then before I knew it, I received the next b/o shipment.

Regarding the exhaust, I recently received and installed that kit. There should be a few larger parts that are labeled, and then ~two pipes per side that are not labeled. They fit only one way per the drawing. Note that the two short tubes that look exactly the same and which bolt directly to the engine, are not interchangeable - at least with mine. I found out the hard way when the engine studs didn't line up with the flange holes properly. If the parts don't seem to fit together easily, they are probably not supposed to (I forced one side together at first).

If you PM me a list of numbers that aren't on your packing list, I can try to help you sort those out.

They must be seriously backlogged. I received my QB -10 fuselage and wings in mid-April with several parts backordered. Some complex QB parts, some simple one-off parts.

None have been received to date, 4 months later, despite my checking with them a few times.