
Well Known Member
I'm putting in the fuel tank attach reinforcement angles and spacers on the side skin. The spacer is .125" thick as are both the aux longeron and the lower longeron which fills in the space between the skin and attach web. Now here is where I have a problem thinking ahead when I install the lower skin in between the lower longeron and the outer skin, that the outer skin at the bottom will be pushed out the thickness of the bottom skin. Now there will be a gap of the spacer which will pull the skin in when the tank attach bracket is put on. Is this accurate and ok?

Trying to follow here with only half a cup of coffee :)

From the inside out, there is the F-996-C reinforcement angle, then F-9101 gear attach web, then F996B spacer, then F-970 forward side skin all sandwiched together. There is no significant "pulling in" of the skin when the F-996A tank attach bracket is finally installed. The spacer fills in the gap between the 9101 and the side skin and it is solid. DWG 38, SECTION E-E shows it all together and you can see the side skin overlapping the bottom skin. Hope this is helpful.