Tom Navar

Well Known Member
All of us are concerned about the future of avgas. Check out (on Google) the Neiva company, a subsidiary of Embraer. They are flying an aerial application aircraft (Are you there, Pierre?) called the Ipanema. Flies on straight ethanol, powered by a Lycoming O-540 putting out 325 Hp. Looks promising.
Tom Navar
Ethanol does indeed look more and more promising for GA. Oil is said to cost 200 $ per barrel within a couple or so years time. This means that diesel and jet-a also will cost a lot more. Ethanol will in fact be cheaper. On the other hand, when billions of car owners want to go for ethanol or biodiesel, I guess the prices of these fuels will go up as well.
Hopefully, we will get our heads out of our collective butts and realize how much oil we have on our side of the planet!
Just Wondering...

.....if there really is a grand plan to use up everybody else's oil so, in the end, we hold all the cards......? :rolleyes:
Well, that would imply an incredible ammount of cunning, wisdom and foresight.

.....what are the odds?

Slim and... "Slim... Hey Slim!... Slim!? Where ya goin' man?"

We gotta get off the corn-for-ethanol plan we're on now. Switchgrass may be a solution if we plant it on all that greenway we have on our highways. Combines painted DOT orange, anyone?