Chino Tom

Well Known Member
Anyone decide to omit the flap to fuselage fairing on their -8? Seems to me its only purpose is the hide from view the trailing edge junction of the flap not fitting up against the fuselage bottom. My flap to fuselage gap is nice. Whenever i park my -6, i leave the flaps down and will do likewise on the 8A. Responces with opinions will be appreciated.

I have seen at least one RV8 with this fairing omitted. It looks fine; however, the hole in your fuselage, where the flap actuating rod comes through, will show with the flaps down.
After spending way to much time looking at this and surfing RV 8 web sites, i fitted and drilled the fairings on. Couldn't live with looking at the trailing edge of the flaps not tucked up against the fuselage (like my -6's are). Now I can't see it! Problem solved.
That was probably the easiest thing to do Tom....considering the improvement in stall characteristics that some folks have reported with those little flow shapers they put near the leading edge, I wouldn't be surprised if those much larger (and still small) flap fairings don't add to performance! Wing/fuselage intersection drag can be quite large, and who knows what those do to help?

Paul (whose aerodynamics course-work was a LONG time ago...)