
Well Known Member
Welp, got my rv8 fuselage ordered today:), really happy about that. Working on wings all is going well with that. Now, gotta save some bucks for the finishing kit.

Congrats... I just started on my fuse about 6 weeks ago. You are gonna love it! Only issue I have ran into is the wd808 front seat back support. Definently do some research on this issue before drilling any holes common with the wd808. I was able to get it right the first time but barely! There are some edge distance issues on these parts. Have fun building.

for the info. I'll watch out for that. I still have a long way to go before I do the fuse. I'm still building the wings and will be for a while. But went ahead and ordered the fuse. Now to save up for the finishing kit:D

Keep Truckin'

Keep at it Bird... I'm nearing completion and will be doing the BIG MOVE to the airport soon. Also, I may have a few tips that might help you along the way. Check out my blog/website.

JT for the heads up, I will be checking your website too. Glad to hear you are getting "airport" close. congrats.
