
Although I rarely post, I do read quite a bit of the forums here. So I thought I would share in my excitement that I have ordered a RV-7 fuselage and that my wings are nearly complete! One step closer!! :D

Thanks to all on this forum as you have probably helped in one way or the other without even knowing it.

Yeah buddy!!! I know I already told ya, but congrats man!!!


You wanna share why your site is rv7x, and whether or not you need a suffix??? :p ;)
Way to go. I have found the fuse to be challenging but still fun. But, come on and post some more. We all have something to offer. Sometimes I think what I offer is comic relief from my dumb questions, but someone has to play that role!
Yeah buddy!!! I know I already told ya, but congrats man!!!


You wanna share why your site is rv7x, and whether or not you need a suffix??? :p ;)

The x (designator for the unknown tailwheel or nose gear variant) is no longer needed and can be dropped. I ordered a straight up -7. Although I still like it being called the RV-7x... I may have to get a decal or paint it on the plane when finished!
Hey Larry...
I'm at about the same place you are! My wings are almost finished, and I picked up my fuse kit just a while back. Congrats! Isn't this fun?