
I'm looking to mount a roll servo in the fuselage (my wings are already closed up) and would like to know if anyone has a template/plans for the necessary brackets and mounting hardware.
Not sure why you cannot mount a standard roll servo in a finished wing. I do.

The old wing leveler servo mounted in the fuselage and had an arm that connected to the stick tube. BUT - I do not recommend adopting that design.

What is your observation of applying the servo to the stick ?

It worked, but:
- It was fragile. I had to reengineer the connection from what I got from Navaid to keep it from breaking. I used a Navaid wing leveler as back then on my first RV it was the only practical option.
- It gets busy where you need to mount the servo under the floorboard. In most RV-8/8A this is prime antenna mount space. Add the larger wire bundles that most people are doing (as in full avionics and such) and this area is not suited for roll servo mounting.

The Dynon autopilot roll servo mounts on the right wing bell crank as an assembly, so easy to install and remove. I don?t know but assume the other major brands of autopilots are similar.


The Garmin roll servo mounts the same...bolts right on and connects to the bell crank (already drilled). Piece of cake and easily doable thru the inspection plate.
do it in the wing

I did it both ways, and in the wing is both easier and "better". Also, when it comes time to inspect/maintain it, removing the wing inspection panel is much easier than getting to it under the seat and floor.

If the wing is already on, just get some boxes and a bit of old carpet or something else comfortable to lay on to get you into position under the wing.
I installed my autopilot in 2015 when I converted to AFS glass. The Dynon servos included a wing mount roll servo mounting kit. Didn't want to go there. So I looked into the fuselage mount. Tru Track made the bracket kit, but apparently they were getting tired of supplying that kit when the purchaser bought the autopilot and servos somewhere else. So they raised the price to $200. (I don't know what they charge now)

Anyhow they have all the drawings on their web site and it's pretty easy to fabricate, except for welding the tab on the torque tube bracket.


I'm generally in this area for each condition inspection and it's not that hard to get at for additional maintenance.
You can mount the servo in either location. The wing mount is at the aileron bellcrank and the bracket bolts in place via the inspection panel. Not sure what system you are using but most manufacturers have pre-Fab brackets.
I have observed, while doing condition inspections that a number of the underseat mounting can have very tight clearance with the servo arm and the floor panel. At install there is clearance, after some time body weight causes the floor panel to sag and the eye bearing on the servo arm contacts the floor panel.
