I've changed my mind on the ground adjustable rudder pedals and am switching to the in-flight adjustables. I need a favor: Would someone reply with the contents of fuselage kit hardware bag 869? If it's all common hardware, that's all I need to know. If there's more to it, I'd really appreciate the details.

Thanks so much,

RV-8 QB Fuse

There is a bag contents section on the VAF homepage. Look at the menu on the left. You will see that it contains a number of non-standard components so you might want to order the bag from Van's. If you call them they can tell you the price of the bag.
Thanks for the reply Paul. I thought I had seen bag contents posted somewhere but couldn't see what was right in front of me!



After I made my previous post, I looked a my bag contents list for this bag and found it contained a couple more items than the list on the VAF site. I think mine is much newer.

Van's will sell you any bag individually although the prices do not show up in their catalog.
It didn't occur to me that Van's would sell the bags separately from a kit until your reply. I ordered it today and it was just $20. I appreciate the follow-up.
