
Well Known Member
Anyone want to help me inventory???

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Excellent Christmas Present!!

When the family comes for the holiday, they can help you inventory and start deburring:)

Thanks Mark - my daughter's home now helping me finish the wing.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

You need the shelving from Sam's club. Fairly cheap and do a fine job. I have 3 units and used every shelf! You COULD get by with just 2 but they are so cheap you may as well go for it.

Your problem will be space! Where did you say the wings are going?

Grab the bag of hardware and sort/inventory. I left mine all in the bags and label them as I build. Works good so far. This work can be done on the kitchen table with some eggnog!

Also, Try to place everything in numerical order....or at least similar type groupings. You will have some days where you search for parts for an hour just to get started.

I might be able to give you an hour or so. LMK.

I clecoed the parts together in sub assemblies as I inventoried , then all the parts are there when you are ready for that section .
Finally done

Thankfully there was a lot of paper in that box taking up space. :D
The box ended-up making pretty decent shelving.

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Tom, nice idea on the shelving. It looks like it worked pretty good. You can never have too many shelves! It looks like you are crowding your Triumph(?) out a bit! Did you see Bret's picture of him doing the inventory in what looked like his living room? You could see his already painted wings leaning against the wall.

Have fun and stay warm!
Yes, my wife is already uneasy about me storing completed sections in a spare bedroom. Emptying that crate in my living room over the holidays would not have been smart :eek:

Yes, 1973 TR-6 now under a mountain of packing paper...
Nice! Most of the "furniture" in my workshop is made from the crates.

A good idea is to put wheels on it before turning it upright. Then you can move it around as well. My work bench comes from the first RV kit I have built - I think it was the fuselage kit of the 7.

I have even done it with the RV10 Emp kit crate,but in this case kept it flat, added legs and wheels with brakes and added a shelf lower down. Now I have an extra large work surface to work on and the shelf below to use as storage space for big skin section and so on.
Might want to try this

This is how I did it. I labeled each tub with bag number and part numbers.

I do something similar, but don't mark the bag numbers, just the part numbers. Combine the same parts from multiple bags in one compartment and similar parts (IE, washers) in the same container. I have separate containers for AN426 rivets, AN470 rivets, NAS1097 rivets, blind rivets, nuts, screws/bolts, misc.

I'll often place 2 or 3 similar but different sized screws or nuts in the same compartment for efficient space usage.

These containers work really well:
13 compartment container
17 larger compartments