
Well Known Member
I am about to position my fuselage jig in my garage and I would like to know if there is much work done on the forward face of the firewall while the fuselage is in the jig. I need to determine how much space to allow in front of the jig. I would expect that most of the firewall forward work is done after the fuselage is removed from the jig, but I want to make sure I allow access for anything that is done while in the jig.

Good day,

I only left enough room to squeeze around the front to get to the other side. There isn't anything that needs to be done to the firewall while you are building the canoe (that I can remember).

I did all my work on the firewall after the fuse came out of the jig.

My stands have about 7" between the crossbar and the firewall and it is plenty to get around it to do any drilling an riveting.