
Active Member
Good news. I picked up my fuselage kit yesterday from the ABF terminal in Waco, TX. The crate was in perfect shape and the staff on hand was very friendly and helpful. Cost was $223.58 from Vans to central TX. I was pretty nervous because of some of the horrors that others have gone through but this was great. Unfortunately I have to work out of town this weekend and will not be able to open it and take inventory until Monday or Tuesday. No complaints though, the out of town jobs are paying to build this thing. Well, enough rambling on. I just wanted to spread the joy and let everyone know that ABF can do a good job now and then.
Great feeling to have the fuse in hand isn't it?

I would open the crate soon to ensure that ABF did not stand the crate on end. If they did, there is a good chance that one of your skins will be damaged.

Best of luck!
Thanks for the advice guys. On a side note, after the inventory I may sit in the crate and make engine noises.:D I dont think my 4 yr old can wait until I flip the canoe.
I've got a wooden fuselage jig that has built two RV6's that I'm getting ready to disassemble and toss. If you want it it's free for the taking. It's currently in Round Rock.

Give me a call at 512 563 1230 if you're interested.