
Well Known Member
Greg Piney posted this question over on the RV-8 forum and since I'm at the same point in the build of my -7A, I figured I'd ask it here:

Would it be better/easier to install the fuel and brake lines prior to skinning the fuselage?

At least with a -8, Yes.
I also got a good tip from the project site of 'rv8 builder' (Andre Burger). The Tip was to use piano wire to prototype each piece, then use the wire as a template for bending the tubing. bought a pound of .060 piano wire (58ft) from McMaster today for $6. I just happen to pass a distribution center on my way home from work. Lucky Me.

P.S. There is probably an RV-7A builders site with the same type of pictures Andre took.
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no problem


I did my fuel lines in the last month or so and it was no problem whatsoever. Get the right tools and let 'er rip. My wife made some and she had never done anything like that before. She was actually better at it than I was. :D So she got to make most of them.

Thanks guys! I'll just wait on the lines until later, then. Sounds like the -7A is easier to do than the -8. I also talked to Tom at Van's and he hadn't heard of folks doing the lines early on the side-by-sides.
Lines per the Manual

I am at the fuel/brake line point now, and can't see any reason not to install them in the sequence shown in the manual. Too early and you will have to remove them to add parts....too late and it's tough to get at them.

Use Bonaco lines and you can do them whenever....:) Plenty of threads on this subject!

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