
I've only just started the Emp, wings next.

I think I would rather wait for the Fuse kit to be ready, to minimize the numbers of revisions.

That said?I can understand the frustration of having to wait for parts !
14A fuselage delay April - May

I contacted Van's reg. the extensions for the fuselage now way out to the end of Spring to early Summer. Because I am now ready for this third element kit this is most troublesome news! The explanations were much more complete than the very short one on Van's page, but still did not fully explaining why the implied promise for the timely kit against the promotion of the total kit's roll out being ready for the buyer. This is not as Vans has dealt in the past. NOT PLEASED with the wait, delay and not sticking to reasonable timelines projected! So unsure if this timeline is valid either. Love this plane but not it's roll out promises or projection as they do not meet customer expectations!
I expected the delays even when they promised all kits would be out by the end of 2013. For me the timing isn't as important as our dropping dollar. I thought of purchasing my US cash back when it first started dropping and thought it would rebound. Still on the fence weather I should still do it know. Would kind of get yea if I did now @$.91 and it went against the odds back to par.
I looked back at deliveries on the RV-12 (during development days) before jumping in and seen the same delays.
I contacted Van's reg. the extensions for the fuselage now way out to the end of Spring to early Summer. Because I am now ready for this third element kit this is most troublesome news! The explanations were much more complete than the very short one on Van's page, but still did not fully explaining why the implied promise for the timely kit against the promotion of the total kit's roll out being ready for the buyer. This is not as Vans has dealt in the past. NOT PLEASED with the wait, delay and not sticking to reasonable timelines projected! So unsure if this timeline is valid either. Love this plane but not it's roll out promises or projection as they do not meet customer expectations!

Bernard - Would you mind sharing some of the information on the reason for the delays? I would also be interested if you gained any insight on how far behind the fuselage kit the finish kit will lag? I am overall ok with Vans taking their time to make sure they get it right but it would be good to understand subsequent kit release timing for planning purposes. Thanks in advance for any insight you can share based on you conversation with Vans...

What reasons vans said about delay in 14 fuselage ship date

1. Sure thing that fuselage WILL be delivered. (I am not feeling as firm on their date though based on history)
2. Lost 1 engineer & hired qualified new one. Added swing shift for 14 project
3. 14 not on back burner BUT pull employees off 14 job when current RVs need assist or safety issue adjustment.
4. Many design differences from their prior models that cause new engineering
5. Working to make this faster and easier to build in a # of ways
6. More detailed and accurate plans and instruction
7. More "crash", stress tests to insure quality and safety of design changes & quality while keeping light and Strong.
8 starting to move some parts of fuselage kit int production now

So this is summary of Van's reasons for not making the first of the yr goal as projected.
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Seems Legit

As an engineer AND an RV-14 builder, none of those seem outlandish to me.

Sure, it is nice to be able to take an educated guess and provide a timeline, but these days timelines often change. If you think back to many products in the past that stayed on timeline at the expense of the final product quality, this is probably a net change of zero. Many examples:

Tires use to have "60,000" mile warranties, but would often not hold up to that large number, and they had a lot of fine print to ensure they wouldn't have to pay out. Now, those mileage warranties and associated fine print are all but gone.

We had those delays in satellite development as well. If something comes up, you can cause a delay to produce a product with the requested reliability, or you could gloss over it and hope it works...if it does and never comes to light, you look like the hero. What happens when it fails and your "oversight" comes to light?

I for one can tolerate a little shift if it maintains the integrity of the overall design goals. Just my opinion.
Fuse Delay

I wish I were making enough progress to be concerned about the delays in the fuselage. Still on wings, getting ready to tackle the fuel tanks.

Bernard, I am in the New Orleans area and if you really get bored waiting, I would love to have some help. We have great food here and can provide an extra bedroom to sleep. Will kick the kids out for help banging rivets and figuring out how stuff goes together! My wife's a good cook too! I'll be anxiously awaiting your reply.

I wish I were making enough progress to be concerned about the delays in the fuselage. Still on wings, getting ready to tackle the fuel tanks.

Bernard, I am in the New Orleans area and if you really get bored waiting, I would love to have some help. We have great food here and can provide an extra bedroom to sleep. Will kick the kids out for help banging rivets and figuring out how stuff goes together! My wife's a good cook too! I'll be anxiously awaiting your reply.


I'm in Gretna and just purchased my tools. I would love to take a gander at your work in progres.
Welcome to VAF!

Ryan, welcome to VAF-----(sorry I missed your first post..........:eek: )

Good to have you aboard.