
Well Known Member
For those builders who have built their fuselages: Would you do it again or would you go with a QB Fuse? :rolleyes:

I'm considering purchasing a QB fuse to accelerate my aircraft building. For nearly $5,000 (additional) I can save about 300 hours worth of work (nearly a year of my time at my current building speed).
Personally I would go standard build; but then I like building better than spending money. YMMV!
Also consider that your center section spar has to be shipped to the Philippines for the fuse to be built. Vans has a long lead time on this.
I'm a bit(very) anal. With the amount of work done by the folks in the Philippines and the number of opportunities to make a mistake, I'd never get any sleep. Unlike Mel, I like building, but I really want to get in the air. The quality of the QB fuse impressed me and the amount of work it saved me is worth the money.
Dont know how long ago you bought your wings.
I went SB wings and QB Fuse. Vans called me 2 weeks ago and told me they have several RV7 QB's in stock. They told me I could take delivery now or wait several months for the next batch. You see, the matching between the Fuse and the wing spare has been standardized so they all match now. I recieved my SB wing kit 3/1/07.

I would go with the QB Fuse. The wings are burning me out with the summer heat.
AltonD said:
Also consider that your center section spar has to be shipped to the Philippines for the fuse to be built. Vans has a long lead time on this.

Six-month lead time, but I'm only on the first wing (flaps and ailerons complete) so that's why I'm looking at the fuselage issue now. The money is not the major concern (although it is a factor). Frustration and anxiety associated with the fuse build as well as time is what I'm trying to weigh. Would you do it again?
Don't know which way I'd go, but I will say that building the fuse was the most fun of all the kits.
Yup, I'd do it again

With the slo-build fuse, I'd do it again. Probably go with QB wings though, but stick with the SB fuse. Sure, it may cost you a year of labor, but it's fun and the $$ you save will buy an SL-30.

RE:I would build again !!!!!!

FredMagare said:
For those builders who have built their fuselages: Would you do it again or would you go with a QB Fuse? :rolleyes:

I'm considering purchasing a QB fuse to accelerate my aircraft building. For nearly $5,000 (additional) I can save about 300 hours worth of work (nearly a year of my time at my current building speed).

There is no doubt about it I would build the fuse again. It gave me great satisfaction knowing I can take a rubber mallot with a ton of patience and wack the heck out of some angle and turn it into the main longeron. :D

If you like to build go standard, if you want to save some money go standard, if you want great satisfaction go standard, if you want folks in the neighborhood to always ask, WHEN WILL IT BE DONE", go standard, if you want alot of advice on how you should do this or that go standard, ..........
GO STANDARD........unless maybe your 80 years old :eek:

Frank @ SGU RV7A Panel/Wiring great fun!!!!! "NDY"
First time around was QB wings and SB fuselage.
Next time: QB everything.

Building is fun, but Nothing beats flying. The quality of the QB wings
and QB fuselage are excellent and well worth the money if you have it
and want to spend it. It sure is nice to have the option to save money
or save time.
Mine was all slow build, and I must say that I'm getting a lot of mileage, and most importantly, satisfaction in telling people that I set every single rivet, with Tanya's help on most. I wouldn't have traded the first one slow build for anything. With that said, the next one will probably be full quick build.
Remember to factor in a much higher shipping cost for a QB. It could be on the order of $1000 or more, depending upon how far from the factory you live.
Go qb and get it flying

I went qb and am not sorry... at least yet. I still have tons to do, but most of us have very busy lives...and I am building to fly not just building for a hobby or to fill idle time. The qb quality is good and there are so many jobs to do that I dont think i am missing the fun part. I would much rather spend a extra year or so flying then building.
Just my opinion of course...but i have only been plugging away for 7 months...could not imagine talking 4-6 years. Thats crazy for a guy with my schedule..i simply could not do it. Have fun
Single Guy - SB
Signifigant Other - QB
New Baby - Already Flying ;)
2 Kids and over - RV10
Retired - B52 SB

If you are scard buy aluminum in bulk and build it from plans. That guy is best described as a "Machine" It is by far the best looking craftsmaship I have EVER seen on any RV and it was a slow build to boot! That guy is married and has a job and built his SB RV-9A in less than 3 years!!!

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My SB fuselage has taken me about 2 years to get where I am now. It could have been built faster had I busted my buns harder to do so. However, as everyone is fully aware, life does get in the way often. I agree with everyone who built the SB. I have enjoyed building. I have enjoyed learning about how to put together all the intricate pieces of this machine, so I do not regret the SB but having the airplane in the air faster would be nice. I might be interested in a QB for any future builds but I also think I could build the next airplane in half the time it is taking me to get this one flying.
Ive seen the QB kits and the quality of the work is undeniable. For me the decision came to what accessories was I planning to install and would the slow build offer me the chance to make adjustments etc..without drilling or cutting holes in already assembled components. I believe many tasks can be acomplished with the slow build that might be a tad bit cramped with the QB.
For most folks, the quality of the work on the QB kits is better than what they could do themselves.

Also factor in the cost of replacement parts you might mess up, including shipping, and the frustration of waiting for those parts, especially if you can't proceed further without them.
I built the standard build fuse and wings.......Next time I'd order quick build wings if I had the coin. I've really enjoyed building the fuse.
MatthewD said:
I built the standard build fuse and wings.......Next time I'd order quick build wings if I had the coin. I've really enjoyed building the fuse.
Kudos for calling it "standard build". The "slow build" was only available for the -3, -4, and -6. They're the only ones that came with no holes!