
Well Known Member
OK, so it's been my understanding that here in the US, there are no required inspections during the course of building an E-AB aircraft - just the final airworthiness inspection. However, while speaking to a friend who just got his airworthiness for his -14A build, he reported that the Houston FSDO inspector required an inspection signoff from when the rear fuselage was closed out. This turned out to not be a huge obstacle, as an A&P neighbor of his had helped with that work, and the neighbor provided the necessary signoff. It also seems a similar situation happened with another mutual friend who recently finished a Searey build (and also got an inspection via the FSDO).

So this has me curious if there are some new rules out that I'm not aware of, or of maybe the Houston FSDO people are just going a bit rogue. It's particularly concerning to me since my rear fuselage is closed out and I've had no such inspection. I suppose maybe I could get someone to crawl back there and vouch for the workmanship if I had to, but it'd be preferable to skip that step.

And for the record, I'm not against having my work checked. I've had multiple experienced builders come by and look over my work, as well as a former tech inspector, but never anything like a formal visit with a signoff.
So this has me curious if there are some new rules out that I'm not aware of, or of maybe the Houston FSDO people are just going a bit rogue.

In my limited experience FSDO guys are generally pleasant, and try, but sometimes are completely out of sync with FAA washington.
Sounds like just the latest example of a FSDO inspector making up the rules as they go. It happens and I have personal experience. I hate it but sometimes it’s best to just comply and move on.