
Well Known Member
I figure I will have my RV-7 wings complete this year and am trying to plan for the fuselage next year, as I am planning on a QB fuselage I was wondering if anyone had a rough estimate of the number of manhours to complete the fuselage and finish kit (less firewall forward).
I am trying to figure cash outlay requirements and timing against the average build hours per month that I seem to be able to put into the project as I am on a "pay-as-you-go" basis right now. Rough order of magnitude would be fine.

Secondary question can the AoA ports in the wings be done after the wings are completed or do they have to be done during construction (will be starting the right wing shortly)

Thanks as always for any replies.
AOA ports

You can install the AOA ports very easily after the wings are completed. It only requires access to the wing near the tip, and then running two small tubes down your conduit.