
Well Known Member
With the "canoe" still upside down and the longeron cleko'ed to the skin-I understand only to rivet the in between holes of the skin to the longeron. My question is the cockpit area of the longeron. No in between holes there. Why can't this area of the skin get riveted to the longeron now? No top skin goes there and couldn't find on the plans why I can't set these rivets now?

Thanks for those gone before, oh wise ones, to set us on the right and proper course.

9A fuse-getting ready to tip the canoe right side up.
Hi Jim,

Amazing that you should bring this question up, because I had the same thought the other day when we flipped the RV-3 out of the jig. I got it upright and said to myself "now why didn't we rivet the skin to the longerons on the cockpit area?!" I decided that there was no good reason - but it sure was fast and easy to squeeze them with the fuse upright - much easier than with it in the jig. Made me feel better to have it done so that things were more rigid.

Caution - this was for the RV-3 - I can't say if there is something unique about the -9 that might make it different!

I think the 7 is the same as the 9 and as I recall there is no good reason. You may have to negotiate with the side skirt a bit. Running your static line up under one of them? Might want to rivet a clip on there , too.
Time eaters-we are only on this planet so long

Thanks Paul and Bob for the reply. I think I'll go ahead and shoot those rivets while I can still see under the longeron angle while the canoe is upside down.

Now, if only I had known about that hole I should have drilled in the seat back bulkhead for the static line. Hope I can get a drill bit in there.

I think a guy could write another book on assembly instructions that the plans/manual don't tell you. It would save a lot of time.

RV9A fuse stage
99% done....99% to go...thats progress