
Well Known Member
How long is the 3 fuse w/o the emp and fwf.... Cramped space via a living room in my apt. I need to make sure I have enough room before I order the fuse.

I recently checked my airframe for symmetry so I have a few of these measurements, though I don't know how much if any to subtract for the emp.
Wing leading edge is station 50 and the center of the tailwheel is 217. That would then be 167 inches, then allow another foot in front of the wing for the firewall. If you've got 15 feet, should be golden. If you need to subtract the work you've already done... the end of the rudder is a couple inches ahead of the tailwheel.
I built my fuselae in a 20' x 12' portion of a friends hanger.
I would consider the length to be about minimum for easy access to firewall and tail cone.
RV3 x 2
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