Well Known Member
Okay - parts inventory underway on the fuselage kit....

I saw the engine stand rotisserie posts for another builder. Is there a preferred or good way to setup the fuselage for assembly before you get to that point? I'm a long way from having the tail mated on.....
You've got alot of work ahead of you before having to worry about the rotisserie.
All work can be done on the bench and it's after clecoing the tail cone that the rotisserie is needed. Makes it real easy to access the joining rivets as well as systems fit from then on.
RV-14 Rotisserie

Good to see another Louisiana builder. I just put my fuselage on the rotisserie this weekend. I riveted the tail before moving to the rotisserie. I didn't trust the clecos to hold it together without supporting each section. It would have made it much easier to rivet the aft and forward fuse together, however.

A couple pics below. I set the tail axis about 2.5" below the fuselage (based on another builders advice). I leveled the tail axis/pipe (by raising/lowering the tail) and shot a laser level around the fuselage to determine the forward mount position. It rotates with one hand and will stop in any position without the pin. Of course, as items are added, the cg will move around and affect the rotation.

Good luck.


