
Well Known Member
My wiring kit from Stein came with 2 fuseblocks. One 12-slot and one 8-slot. I thought of using the 12-slot for my main bus, and the 8-slot for my battery bus. Will the 12-slot be enough for my main bus? I'm doing a day/night VFR airplane with EFIS, GPS... the standard stuff (no Autopilot).
I think 12 slots would be fine for a day/night VFR airplane. I use 10 slots out of 20 on my main bus and my airplane is day/night VFR.

That said, you'd be surprised at the upgrades that can become a real hassle if you don't put in a little extra infrastructure in anticipation of <unknown> future upgrades.

With that in mind, I'd find a bigger fuseblock.