
Active Member
A couple of Cheeseheads :) from Wisconsin are planning to land at Furnace Creek and Stovepipe wells next week. Just wondering what the condition of both runways are. Have any of you landed at either place in the last few weeks? Please let me know what your experience was.
Rick George
Haven’t landed stovepipe wells yet.. but I have landed furnace creek last year.. the runway has some “bumps” where the pavement heaves up, I believe it changes with temperature, the hotter, it gets more pronounced. I landed south and chose a spot left of centerline that wasn’t bad. I would recommend calling the resort to arrange a pickup to their restaurant.. less waiting in the sun. Do some low and slow passes to assess the runway. Cheap fuel at 74P.. even cheaper at BigBear L35, plus there’s a restaurant there!

Was at Stovepipe Wells last July... RW was fine to land on...I doubt it's changed much in a year.... but man was it hot, ( as expected ). Be sure to run your performance numbers for the plane... watch the winds... they can get bad...and for yourself... hydration is critical in that neck of the woods. " Propel " has proven to be great for me. Buy it at Walmart in small packets you add to a bottle of water.
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Old wives tale

Just a thing I remember from doing gliders in the desert. Watch your salt intake when drinking water, the salt will make you go pee. Straight water is better. If you feel thirsty, it is most likely you are already dehydrated and need to drink right away. JMHO