
Well Known Member
Saturday 1/2/2010 members of VAF - SoCal wing, Ramona Squadron were wheels-up @ 0800 for short flight (~1:30) to L06. Three aircraft departed KRNM and about 15 minutes later picked up 2 more aircraft from Hemet Squadron (KHMT) with another joining up from French Valley (F70). After a very smooth flight all 6 aircraft landed at the lowest airport in the US (-280 ft) for a great breakfast and the beautiful scenery.

Flight-Line looking West. Note the snow upper left

Furnace Creek Ranch for Breakfast.

Flight back was just as smooth. This is a great place to visit in the winter. Cool temps ~60 and 100 mile visibility. Will probably make this an annual event.
Popular Place

It is a special place. When Doug Bowles organized the first fly-in for the McDonnell Douglas Flying Club over the Halloween weekend in 1982 we had 52 people that made the trip. It is a little surprising that you got a whole row to yourselves for tie downs - maybe if you had gone on Sunday there would have been more planes there because of the brunch up at the Furnace Creek Inn. I hope it hasn't changed but the Furnace Creek Inn was a quiet and beautiful place to spend the weekend then fly home after the brunch.

Bob Axsom

It doesn't appear to have changed much.
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This is a great place to visit in the winter. Cool temps ~60 and 100 mile visibility. Will probably make this an annual event.

I've been looking for an excuse to fly to L06 for years, just can't seem to come up with a good one.:p

If you guys decide to make it back next year throw up a post here and I'll fly out from Santa Monica. I'm in a 172 instead of an RV but it's still better than driving!
I'm Jealous

I sure wish I was 15 minutes away from Furnace Creek during the cold months here in Salt Lake.
Looks like great weather and lots of fun.
Bob, We were also surprised about the lack of other aircraft, especially with all the parking available. I would hope that the Sunday brunch brings in a larger group. I'm thinking that we just might have to make another trip this Winter year and try the Sunday Brunch.
John, I will try to remember to post something here for next year's flight but I'm sure there will be a posting on the Yahoo SoCal RV list. So that might be a better place to check.
John, I will try to remember to post something here for next year's flight but I'm sure there will be a posting on the Yahoo SoCal RV list. So that might be a better place to check.

I'll add that to my list of web sites I peruse while I should be working...:D

Thanks Bill!
Went Sunday instead

We went Sunday instead for brunch at Furnace Creek Inn. WX was every bit as good as Saturday, in other words, perfect! If you haven't been for brunch at the Inn yet, it's definitely worth going to. I was also surprised that fuel was only $0.05/gal more than Torrance: $4.50/gal.

And, BillC, the airport is only -211 ft. -280' is Badwater, about 30 miles south of Furnace Creek. And with baro pressure of 30.25 and air temp of high 60's, that makes a pretty exciting takeoff! My MP gauge showed 30.6 on initial climb.

Heinrich Gerhardt
RV-6, flying


Furnace Creek Inn:



If you do make another run to Furnace Creek this winter, and for next year as well, as others have said...please do post the details. I'd love to fly down from Reno to hang with some SD bros (where I moved to Reno from), and I bet I can drag a few other RVers along from up here.

Looks like you guys had a great trip!!
