
Well Known Member
You could use a laugh. Even better that it's at my expense.

Today I was drilling Skybolt flanges for the bottom section of the cowl. That requires lots of time laying on a mechanic's creeper, marking, clamping, drilling, clekoing (?). Maybe that deserves a laugh too. Probably no such word.
I noticed, the count is one short. 33. There were 34 a minute ago. I don't need the extra one today but missing stuff makes me crazy. If I misplace a washer, I stop everything till it's found.
All work stops. Gotta find the missing flange. I count several times. 33. One missing. I sweep. Move everything on the bench. Use a flashlight to search everywhere.
Arghhh! Gotta finish so I go back to work hoping the lost flange magically reappears.
I'm noticing a strange cool sensation on my left arm while working but don't pay much attention. I live in CO Mountains at 7,500'. I wear a hoodie in the shop. Cold breezes are Life In The Mountains!
Job is done. This cold spot is really weird. I reach inside my hoodie and, yep, there's the lost flange!
Somehow, that booger went from laying on my chest, into the hoodie and down my left sleeve.
Life is good. Time for beer.
I thought you were going to find #34 already installed :)

Sort of like losing your reading glasses on your face....AMHIK