
Well Known Member
While crawling the web in a search for paint scheme ideas, I found this one and this other from a South African airline and started to think it could be a funny idea to tell a story about RV building right on the plane.
So, I start a poll: What would you write and where?
List of Messages

Just found the list of what's written on the plane:

The captain?s window is marked with the big cheese (?captain, my captain!?), the co-pilot?s window with co-captain (the other pilot on the PA system) and the jump seat is for wannabe pilots.

In addition, the following descriptions of plane parts can be found:

* galley (cuppa anyone?)
* avionics (fancy navigation stuff)
* windows (best view in the world)
* wing #1 and #2
* engine #1 and #2 (26 000 pounds of thrust)
* emergency exit = throne zone (more leg room baby!)
* seats (better than taxi seats)
* some windows = kulula fans (the coolest peeps in the world)
* black box (which is actually orange)
* landing gear (comes standard with supa-fly mags)
* back door (no bribery/corruption here)
* tail (featuring an awesome logo)
* loo (or mile-high club initiation chamber)
* rudder (the steering thingy)
* stabiliser (the other steering thingy)
* a.p.u. (extra power when you need it most)
* galley (food, food, food, food?)
* boot space
* ZS-ZWP (OK-PIK) = secret agent code (aka plane?s registration)
* overhead cabins (VIP seating for your hand luggage)
* fuel tanks (the go-go juice)
* cargo door
* aircon ducts (not that kulula needs it? they?re already cool)
* front door (our door is always open ? unless we?re at 41 000 feet)
* cockpit window = sun roof
* nose cone (radar, antenna, and a really big dish inside)
what next...flying....for dummies?

..i can see it now, a nice yellow and black scheme; labels - windy thing -> Pilot <-- Pilot wannabe -->

I always thought a paint scheme in this style would be interesting:


Plane painting

I have wondered if anyone (other than myself) had thought about painting the outside of the plane with silver paint about 2 inches wide along all of the visible rivet lines and then painting the areas between the lines the same light blue color of the plastic coating?!?!? I've done it in paint shop but I'm not at a computer where I can insert it to the thread.
I have wondered if anyone (other than myself) had thought about painting the outside of the plane with silver paint about 2 inches wide along all of the visible rivet lines and then painting the areas between the lines the same light blue color of the plastic coating?!?!? I've done it in paint shop but I'm not at a computer where I can insert it to the thread.

I've had people stop by the garage and comment on the "pretty blue" and the "neat paint scheme" :). I almost feel badly telling them it's just protective vinyl and the final thing will be polished aluminum! LOL!

So the answer to your question is...most definitely, yes!