
Well Known Member
We all need to laugh once in a while. Here's a laugh on me.
I'm finally ready to prep cowls for paint. Top cowl is ready for spraying. Bottom cowl is ready for micro stage.
First it needs to be roughed up to remove the shine and get some tooth. Sanding with a random orbital and 60 grit is fast. So out comes the sander. 60 grit disk is carefully placed so the holes align. Vacuum attached. PPE on. Ready. Burrrrr. Sanding is so slow. Maybe the disk is worn. It was a used one. I look down and the disk is laying on the shop floor. Doh! Wait. It gets funnier.
New disk. Burrrr. Ok. Now we're cooking with gas, but there seems to be a bit more dust than usual. Yep. Forgot to start the vacuum! Oh bother!
Let's see who else had a funny. Post 'em!
Thanks for sharing. we have all been there done that, and these shares help us all feel better about our own incidents.
The best ones are these that you can laugh at.
Enjoy your weekend and good luck with the painting.