
Well Known Member
Although this video isn't totally in high def, some of it is and should be viewed in "HQ" mode if possible.

I'm posting this for the creator Mike H. He came to the airport with some DVD's that he made recently. It's a 5 1/2 min. compilation of video shot over the last 3 years, set to music and featuring some recent Hi Def stuff.
After we viewed it at the FBO on a big screen, we were all so inspired that we spent Saturday planning, flying and shooting more Hi Def video.
Unfortunately even an experienced camera operator (RV8 builder Johan K.) can mix up the "REC" button, so we got alot of HI Def video of the fire extinguisher attached to the back of my seat. Oh well, we'll just have to go fly some more.

For the legal eagles out there the low flying past houses was done at pvt. airstrips.:D



Thanks to Mike for the tip on Vimeo

This might provide better quality

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Fun Video

Loved it.

A suggestion for posting HD video, use Vimeo. Their viewing quality especially in HD is superior to youtube and you can upload up to a 500mb file. Here is an example of vimeo HD and don't be afraid to watch it full screen: http://vimeo.com/2802749. No where near as exciting and please excused my jerky armed cameraman.

Time for my buddy and I to go have some fun....I'm inspired.
Man that was awesome.... Makes me want to go home right now and do some more deburring!!! Very nice!
It is great isn't it!! I linked to it on my Facebook page. Hope you don't mind Jon:) I've watched it several times today, sitting at the desk. One of the best.

I haven't tried my little camcorder in handheld mode but I get the feeling it won't be as good as this.

What were you using for video equipment..

Its amazing how CLOSE those clouds look on camera..:)

That was great. One question though, were yall on an IFR flight plan when going in and out of the clouds.?? :)

Back to sanding...and waiting impatiently for the wings to arrive.
Totally Awesome

Best Video Yet on VAF!

In uncontrolled airspace (G) no IFR flight plan is needed to fly into clouds, only an IFR rating:)
That is what its all about

I cant get the stupid grin off my face and I giggle everytime I watch the split S ish manuver through the cloud valley. Man I cant wait. I would LOVE that video in HD, Who is the song BTW?
<<the split S ish manuver through the cloud valley. Man I cant wait. I would LOVE that video in HD>>

Yep, I'd like to have that particular 30 seconds...awesome. Or even some still frames for screen savers.
Who is the song BTW?

I believe song is "True Love" by Angels and Airwaves and I agree it was a good choice.

Great video and can't wait for the follow up. The editing is first rate, I especially like the expression on the face of the backseater during the roll.

Paul Danclovic
Jamestown, NC
Absolutely moving!!

Excellent footage paired to the perfect music makes a very moving presentation. The song "True Love" is fitting. You totally captured the essence of what I feel aviation is about. Also, the grins on the pilots faces tells the whole story. Someday, I will be there. I am 15 hours into my PPL and dreaming of an RV-7A factory in my basement. I showed my wife this video and I think it may have moved up my project start date by at least a year, so THANKS!!
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Great video!

Thanks for sharing!
This will definetely help potentially RV-builders still on the fence in Norway to get down and start shooting rivets!
gosh i love that video.. i must watch it daily... got the link on my iphone for RVing while sitting in traffic :D